نتایج جستجو

Latin for beginners
Benjamin L. D'Ooge, 2013
The Killing Zone: The United States Wages Cold War in Latin America
Stephen G. Rabe, 2015
Global Latin America: Into the Twenty-First Century
Matthew C. Gutmann, Jeffrey Lesser, 2016
Human rights tribunals in Latin America : the Fujimori trial in comparative perspective
Coletta Youngers, 2009
Telling to Live: Latina Feminist Testimonios (Latin America Otherwise: Languages, Empires, Nations)
Latina Feminist Group, Aurora Levins Morales (editor), Patricia Zavella (editor), Norma Alarcon (editor), Ruth Behar (editor), Luz del Alba Acevedo (editor), Celia Alvarez (editor), Rina Benmayor (editor), Clara Lomas (editor), Daisy Cocco de Filippis (editor), Gloria Holguin Cuadraz (editor), Liza Fiol-Matta (editor), Yvette Gisele Flores-Ortiz (editor), Mirtha F. Quintanales (editor), Eliana S. Rivero (editor), Caridad Souza (editor), 2002
Voice and Inequality: Poverty and Political Participation in Latin American Democracies
Carew Boulding, Claudio A. Holzner, 2021
Theories of the Flesh: Latinx and Latin American Feminisms, Transformation, and Resistance
Andrea J. Pitts; Mariana Ortega; José Medina, 2020
Comparative constitutional law in Latin America
Rosalind Dixon (editor); Tom Ginsburg (editor), 2017
Foreign Exchange Interventions in Inflation Targeters in Latin America
International Monetary Fund (editor), 2019
Black Writing, Culture, and the State in Latin America
Jerome C. Branche, 2015
Peter Lang Companion to Latin American Science Fiction
Silvia G. Kurlat Ares (editor), Ezequiel De Rosso (editor), 2021
Parenting Empires: Class, Whiteness, and the Moral Economy of Privilege in Latin America
Ana Yolanda Ramos-Zayas, 2019
What's In A Name?: The Significance Of Proper Names In Classical Latin Literature
Joan Booth; Robert Maltby, 2006
Renaissance Latin Verse : an Anthology
Alessandro Perosa; John Sparrow, 1979
Academies and Schools of Art in Latin America
Oscar E. Vázquez (editor), 2020
State and Nation Making in Latin America and Spain: Republics of the Possible
Miguel A. Centeno, Agustin E. Ferraro (eds.), 2014
U.S.-Latin American Policymaking: A Reference Handbook
David Dent, 1995
Formal Linguistics and the Teaching of Latin: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives in Comparative Grammar
Giuliana Giusti, Guiliana Giusti (editor), 2011
Latin American Diasporas in Public Diplomacy
Vanessa Bravo, Maria De Moya, 2021
Intratextuality and Latin literature
Stavros A. Frangoulidis (editor); Theódoros D. Papangelís (editor); Stephen John Harrison (editor), 2018