نتایج جستجو

Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1995. Linguistics and the Education of Language Teachers: Ethnolinguistic, Psycholinguistic, and Sociolinguistic Aspects
James E. Alatis, Carolyn A. Straehle, Brent Gallenberger,, 1995
Environmental Microbiology, : A Laboratory Manual
Ian L. Pepper - University of BirminghamB.Sc. in Chemistry1970, 2004
Challenging e-learning in the university: a literacies perspective
Robin Goodfellow, 2007
Sizing optimisation of stand-alone photovoltaic generators for irrigation water pumping systems
Dr. Eng. Mohamed EL-Shimy (Ain Shams University)
A Century of Labor-Leisure Distortions
University of Chicago
Advanced Public Procurement as Industrial Policy: The Aircraft Industry as a Technical University
Gunnar Eliasson (auth.), 2010
International trade & business law annual. Vol. 8
University of Queensland, 2003
Advanced Topics in Forensic DNA Typing: Interpretation
John M. Butler Ph.D. (Analytical Chemistry)University of Virginia, 2014
Advanced Topics in Forensic DNA Typing: Methodology
John M. Butler Ph.D. (Analytical Chemistry) University of Virginia, 2011