نتایج جستجو

Knots and Physics
Louis H Kauffman, 2013
Computational Aspects of Polynomial Identities: Volume l, Kemer's Theorems, 2nd Edition
Alexei Kanel-Belov, Yakov Karasik, Louis Halle Rowen, 2016
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Their Applications, Volume 31: College de France Seminar Volume XIV
Doina Cioranescu, Jaques-Louis Lions(eds.), 2002
Applied Calculus of Variations for Engineers, Second Edition
Komzsik, Louis, 2014
Lectures on Topological Fluid Mechanics: Lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy, July 2 - 10, 2001
Mitchell A. Berger, Louis H. Kauffman, Boris Khesin, H. Keith Moffatt, Renzo L. Ricca, De Witt Sumners, Renzo L. Ricca, 2009
Numerical Simulation in Physics and Engineering: Lecture Notes of the XVI 'Jacques-Louis Lions' Spanish-French School
Inmaculada Higueras, Teo Roldán, Juan José Torrens(eds.), 2016
Wavelets: Theory and Applications
A. K. Louis, D. Maass, A. Rieder, 1997
Lectures on Quantum Mechanics: With Problems, Exercises and their Solutions
Jean-Louis Basdevant, 2016
New Ideas in Low Dimensional Topology
Kauffman, Louis H.; Manturov, Vassily Olegovič(eds.), 2015
Continuity Theory
Louis Nel, 2016
Approximation Techniques for Engineers: Second Edition
Louis Komzsik, 2017
Computational Mathematics, Numerical Analysis and Applications: Lecture Notes of the XVII 'Jacques-Louis Lions' Spanish-French School
Mariano Mateos, Pedro Alonso(eds.), 2017
Delphi 5 : Referenz & Praxis
Dirk Louis, 2000
Instructors Solution Manual Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory
Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, 2013
Dispositivos Eletrônicos e Teoria de Circuitos
Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, 2013
«Jagdpanther» Panzerjaeger Panther (8.8 cm) (Sd.Kfz.173) Ausf.G 1 und G2 (Panzer Tracts No.09-03)
Thomas L. Jentz, Hilary Louis Doyle, 2005
Jagdpanzer Jagdpanzer 38 to Jagdtiger (Panzer Tracts No.9)
Thomas L. Jentz, Hilary Louis Doyle, 1997
Pantherturm I und II (Panther Turrets on Steel, Concrete, and Wood Stands) (Panzer Tracts No.21-2)
Thomas L. Jentz, Hilary Louis Doyle, 2005
Panzerbefehlswagen (Panzer Tracts No.03-04)
Thomas L. Jentz, Hilary Louis Doyle, 2010
Panzerkampfwagen IV Grosstraktor to Panzerbefehlswagen IV (Panzer Tracts No.4)
Thomas L. Jentz, Hilary Louis Doyle, 1997
Staende mit Pz.Kpfw.Tuermen (Panzer Tracts No.21-1)
Thomas L. Jentz, Hilary Louis Doyle, 2004
X-Planes of Europe - Secret Research Aircraft From the Golden Age 1946-1974
Tony Buttler , Jean Louis Delezenne, 2010
Frames and Bodies: Notes on Three Films by Pedro Costa
Jean-Louis Comolli
Approximation Techniques for Engineers
Komzsik, Louis, 2017