نتایج جستجو

Wiley encyclopedia of telecommunications
John G. Proakis, 2003
Wiley encyclopedia of telecommunications
John G. Proakis, 2003
Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications , 5 Volume Set
John G. Proakis, 2003
Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Proceedings of the Seventh CIM-Europe Annual Conference 29–31 May 1991, Turin, Italy. CEC DG XIII: Telecommunications, Information Industries and Innovation
Professor Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. W. Eversheim, 1991
Epistolary Practices: Letter Writing in America before Telecommunications
William Merrill Decker, 1998
Telecommunications Network Modelling, Planning and Design
Sharon Evans, 2004
Telecommunications Performance Engineering
Roger Ackerley, 2004
Telecommunications Regulation
John Buckley, 2003
Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications,
John G. Proakis, 2003
Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications,
John G. Proakis, 2003
Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications,
John G. Proakis, 2003
IIN Strategy–a Telecommunications Service Bureau
Architecture Technology Corp. (Auth.), 1991
Shaping American Telecommunications: A History of Technology, Policy, and Economics
Christopher H. Sterling, 2005
Liberalization and Regulation of the Telecommunications Sector in Transition Countries: The Case of Russia
Dr. Ekaterina Markova (auth.), 2009
Price Caps and Incentive Regulation in Telecommunications
Michael A. Einhorn (auth.), 1991
First-Year Technician Mathematics: For Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunications Students
Rhys Lewis B.Sc. Tech., 1974
Second-year Technician Mathematics for Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunications Students
Rhys Lewis B.Sc. Tech., 1975
Third-year Technician Mathematics and Applications: for Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunications Students
Rhys Lewis B.Sc. Tech., 1976
ATM : the broadband telecommunications solution
Cuthbert, L. G., 1993
Extreme values in finance, telecommunications, and the environment
Finkenstadt B., 2004