نتایج جستجو

Sustaining Cultural Development: Unified Systems and New Governance in Cultural Life
Biljana Mickov, James Doyle, 2013
Patrimônio Cultural: Educação para o Patrimônio Cultural
Sergio Linhares; Evandro Carvalho (orgs.), 2014
Immigrant Teachers, American Students: Cultural Differences, Cultural Disconnections
Namulundah Florence (auth.), 2011
Cultural Governance and the European Union: Protecting and Promoting Cultural Diversity in Europe
Evangelia Psychogiopoulou (eds.), 2015
Cultural Linguistics: Cultural Conceptualisations and Language
Farzad Sharifian, 2017
權爭, 黨爭及其他 : 劉少奇走向「文革」(上)= Power struggles, factional strifes, and others : Liu Shaoqi and the cultural revolutions /Quan zheng, dang zheng ji qi ta : Liu Shaoqi zou xiang "wen ge" = Power struggles, factional strifes, and others : Liu Shaoqi and the cultural revolutions
Liu, Shaoqi; Sisyphus, John, 2016
權爭, 黨爭及其他 : 劉少奇走向「文革」(下)= Power struggles, factional strifes, and others : Liu Shaoqi and the cultural revolutions /Quan zheng, dang zheng ji qi ta : Liu Shaoqi zou xiang "wen ge" = Power struggles, factional strifes, and others : Liu Shaoqi and the cultural revolutions
Liu, Shaoqi; Sisyphus, John, 2016
Conrad Phillip Kottak
Cultural Fault Lines in Healthcare: Reflections on Cultural Competency
Michael C. Brannigan, 2012
Cultural Anthropology: Appreciating Cultural Diversity
Conrad Phillip Kottak, 2017
Cultural Heritage and Tourism: Potential Impact, Partnership and Governance: Presentations on the III Baltic Sea Region Cultural Heritage Forum, 25-27 September in Vilnius, Lithuania
Marianne Lehtimäki, Alfredas Jomantas (eds.), 2008
Bridging Cultural Barriers: How to Overcome Preconceptions in Cross-Cultural Relationships
Peter M. Haller, Ulrich Naegele, Susan Berger, 2019
Immigrant Teachers, American Students: Cultural Differences, Cultural Disconnections
Namulundah Florence (auth.), 2011
Perspectives: An Open Invitation to Cultural Anthropology / An Open Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Nina Brown (Editor); Thomas McIlwraith (Editor); Laura Tubelle de González (Editor), 2020
Perspectives: An Open Invitation to Cultural Anthropology / An Open Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Nina Brown (Editor); Thomas McIlwraith (Editor); Laura Tubelle de González (Editor), 2020