نتایج جستجو

Voluntary Approaches in Environmental Policy
Carlo Carraro, 1999
Wooden Eyes: Nine Reflections on Distance
Carlo Ginzburg, 2001
Trade, Innovation, Environment
Carlo Carraro (auth.), 1994
Slow Food : the case for taste
Carlo Petrini, 2003
WCOM (World Class Operations Management) : Why You Need More Than Lean
Carlo Baroncelli, 2016
Vertigo Rehabilitation Protocols
Dario Carlo Alpini, 2014
Der rätselhafte Sinn des Lebens. Ein philosophischer Roman
Carlo Fruttero, 1995
Geometrically Constructed Markov Chain Monte Carlo Study of Quantum Spin-phonon Complex Systems
Hidemaro Suwa (auth.), 2014
Statistical Mechanics and Applications in Condensed Matter
Carlo Di Castro, 2015
The Monte Carlo Method (Little Mathematics Library)
I. M. Sobol, 1975
Ludwig Boltzmann: the man who trusted atoms
Carlo Cercignani, 1998
Ludwig Boltzmann: The Man Who Trusted Atoms
Carlo Cercignani, 1998
Ludwig Boltzmann: The Man Who Trusted Atoms
Carlo Cercignani, 2006
Mathematical methods in kinetic theory
Carlo Cercignani, 1969
Mathematical Methods in Kinetic Theory
Carlo Cercignani (auth.), 1969
Mathematical Methods in Kinetic Theory
Carlo Cercignani (auth.), 1990
Nonequilibrium Problems in Many-Particle Systems
Carlo Cercignani, 1993
Rarefied gas dynamics
Carlo Cercignani, 2000