نتایج جستجو

The Skuldelev Ships: A Report of the Final Underwater Excavation in 1959 and the Salvaging Operation in 1962
Olaf Olsen, Ole Crumlin-Pedersen, 1968
Unitary Representations and Coadjoint Orbits of Low-Dimensional Nilpotent Lie Groups
Ole A. Nielsen, 1983
Sørsamisk grammatikk
Magga, Lajla Mattsson; Magga, Ole Henrik, 2012
Visual Collaboration: A Powerful Toolkit for Improving Meetings, Projects, and Processes
Ole Qvist-Sorensen; Loa Baastrup, 2019
Mellom brødre: 1780-1830
Ståle Dyrvik, Ole Feldbæk, 1996
Studies in the History of the Greek Civil War, 1945-49
Lars Baerentzen; John O. Iatrides; Ole L. Smith; Sysse G. Engberg; Keith Legg; Christos Hadjiiossif; Prokopis Papastratis; Angeliki E. Laiou; Stanley Aschenbrenner; Heinz A. Richter; Hagen Fleischer; Nigel Clive; Robert Frazier; Elisabeth Barker; Jože Pirjevec, 1987
Identity, migration, and the new security agenda in Europe
Ole Wæver, 1993
We Are Anarchists: Essays on Anarchism, Pacifism, and the Indian Independence Movement, 1923-1953
M.P.T. Acharya, Ole Birk Laursen, 2019
We Are Anarchists: Essays on Anarchism, Pacifism, and the Indian Independence Movement, 1923-1953
M.P.T. Acharya, Ole Birk Laursen, 2019
Viking Art
David M. Wilson, Ole Klindt-Jensen, 1966
Performing Tourist Places
Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt, Michael Haldrup, John Urry, 2004
Investigating Early Iron Production by Modern Remote Sensing Technologies
Arne A. Stamnes, Ole Risbøl, Lars F. Stenvik (eds.), 2019
GNU Parallel 2018
Ole Tange, 2018
Studies in the Scholia on Aeschylus I. The Recensions of Demetrius Triclinius
Ole Langwitz Smith, 1975
Sustainable Materials for Transitional and Alternative Energy
Mufrettin Sari, Cenk Temizel, Celal Canbaz, Luigi Saputelli, Ole Torsæter, 2021
Octopuses, Squid & Cuttlefish: Seafood for Today and for the Future
Ole G. Mouritsen; Klavs Styrbæk, 2021
Military Aircraft of WWI
Ole Steen Hansen, 2003
Applied Cryptography and Network Security: 19th International Conference, ACNS 2021. Proceedings, Part I
Kazue Sako, Nils Ole Tippenhauer (Eds.), 2021
Vocational Education in the Nordic Countries: Learning from Diversity
Christian Helms Jørgensen, Ole Johnny Olsen, Daniel Persson Thunqvist, 2018
Understanding Elections through Statistics: Polling, Prediction, and Testing
Ole J. Forsberg, 2020
Baedeker Reiseführer USA Nordwesten: mit GROSSER REISEKARTE
Ole Helmhausen, 2016
Epistemic Entitlement: The Right to Believe
Hannes Ole Matthiessen, 2014
Situated Design Methods
Jesper Simonsen, Connie Svabo, Sara Malou Strandvad, Kristine Samson, Morten Hertzum, Ole Erik Hansen, 2014