نتایج جستجو

The New Testament: A Translation
David Bentley Hart, 2017
Research methods in legal translation and interpreting : crossing methodological boundaries
Biel, Łucja; Engberg, Jan; Martín Ruano, M. Rosario; Sosoni, Vilelmini, 2019
Research methods in legal translation and interpreting : crossing methodological boundaries
Biel, Łucja; Engberg, Jan; Martín Ruano, M. Rosario; Sosoni, Vilelmini, 2019
The "Mithras Liturgy": Text, Translation and Commentary
Hans Dieter Betz, 2005
Holy Women of Byzantium: Ten Saints’ Lives in English Translation
Alice-Mary Talbot, 1986
The Bible in Translation: Ancient and English Versions
Bruce M. Metzger, 2001
Byzantine Defenders of Images, Eight saints lives in English translation
Alice-Mary Talbot (ed.), 1998
Crusade and Christendom: Annotated Documents in Translation from Innocent III to the Fall of Acre, 1187–1291
Jessalynn Bird (ed.), Edward Peters (ed.), and James M. Powell (ed.), 2013
Renaissance Cultural Crossroads: Translation, Print and Culture in Britain, 1473–1640
Sara K. Barker; Brenda M. Hosington, 2013
Toward a Deaf Translation Norm
Christopher Stone, 2009
Mapping Frontiers across Medieval Islam: Geography, Translation, and the ‘Abbāsid Empire
Travis E. Zadeh, 2011
Crusade and Christendom: Annotated Documents in Translation from Innocent III to the Fall of Acre, 1187-1291
Jessalynn Bird, Edward Peters, James M. Powell (eds.), 2013
The Routledge Handbook of Audiovisual Translation
Luis Pérez-González, 2018
Beowulf: A Translation
Thomas Meyer (transl.), 2012
Translation Studies in China: The State of the Art
Ziman Han, Defeng Li, 2019
Mein Kampf - The New Ford Translation
Adolf Hitler, 2009
Therīgāthāpāḷi - Book of Verses of Elder Bhikkhunis - A Contemporary Translation
Anāgārika Mahendra, 2017
Tao Te Ching: A New Translation
Lao Tzu, Sam Hamill, 2007