نتایج جستجو

Comprehensive Organic Functional Group Transformations, Volume 3 (Synthesis:Carbon with One Heteroatom Attached by a Multiple Bond)
Alan R. Katritzky, Otto Meth-Cohn, and Charles W. Rees (Editors-in-Chief), 2003
Comprehensive Organic Functional Group Transformations, Volume 6 (Synthesis: Carbon with Three or Four Attached Heteroatoms)
Alan R. Katritzky, Otto Meth-Cohn, and Charles W. Rees (Editors-in-Chief), 2003
Comprehensive Organic Functional Group Transformations, Volume4 (Synthesis: Carbon with Two Heteroatoms, Each Attached by a Single Bond)
Alan R. Katritzky, Otto Meth-Cohn, and Charles W. Rees (Editors-in-Chief), 2003
Comprehensive Organic Functional Group Transformations,Volume 1 (Synthesis: Carbon with No Attached Heteroatoms)
Alan R. Katritzky, Otto Meth-Cohn, and Charles W. Rees (Editors-in-Chief), 2003
A Primer of NMR Theory with Calculations in Mathematica
Alan J. Benesi, 2015
Children of Job: American Second-Generation Witnesses to the Holocaust
Alan L. Berger, Elie Wiesel, 1997
NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers in Solution and in the Solid State
H. N. Cheng and Alan D. English (Eds.), 2003
NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative Strategies for Complex Macromolecules
H. N. Cheng, Tetsuo Asakura, and Alan D. English (Eds.), 2011
Foundations of Probability Theory, Statistical Inference, and Statistical Theories of Science: Volume I Foundations and Philosophy of Epistemic Applications of Probability Theory
Ernest W. Adams (auth.), William L. Harper, Clifford Alan Hooker (eds.), 1975
Antibacterial Agents: Chemistry, Mode of Action, Mechanisms of Resistance and Clinical Applications
Rosaleen J. Anderson, Paul W. Groundwater, Adam Todd, Alan J. Worsley(auth.), 2012
Antibacterial Agents: Chemistry, Mode of Action, Mechanisms of Resistance and Clinical Applications
Rosaleen Anderson, Paul Groundwater, Adam Todd, Alan Worsley, 2012
Geology and Seismic Stratigraphy of the Antarctic Margin
Alan K. Cooper, Peter F. Barker, Giuliano Brancolini, 1997
Engineering BGM
Alan Brace, 2008
Engineering BGM (Chapman & Hall Crc Financial Mathematics Series)
Alan Brace, 2007
Barbarians and Politics at the Court of Arcadius (Transformation of the Classical Heritage)
Alan Cameron, Jacqueline Long, 1993
Frontiers in Numerical Analysis: Durham 2002
Franco Brezzi, Donatella Marini (auth.), James F. Blowey, Alan W. Craig, Tony Shardlow (eds.), 2003
Armies and enemies of ancient Egypt and Assyria: Egyptian, Nubian, Asiatic, Libyan, Hittite, Sea Peoples, Assyrian, Aramean (Syrian), Hebrew, Urartian, Median, Elamite, Babylonian, Scythian, 3200 BC to 612 BC
Alan Buttery, Wargames Research Group (Great Britain), 1975
A Practical Approach to Toxicological Investigations
Alan Poole, George B. Leslie, 2009
Problematic and Risk Behaviours in Psychosis: A Shared Formulation Approach
Alan Meaden, David Hacker, 2010
Compound Semiconductor Radiation Detectors
Alan Owens, 2012
Grow Vegetables: Gardens - Yards - Balconies - Roof Terraces
Alan Buckingham, 2008
Environmental Challenges and Greenhouse Gas Control for Fossil Fuel Utilization in the 21st Century
J. Alan Beamon, Robert T. Eynon (auth.), M. Mercedes Maroto-Valer, Chunshan Song, Yee Soong (eds.), 2002