نتایج جستجو

Mathematical Modeling for Complex Fluids and Flows
Michel O. Deville, 2012
Mathematical Modeling for Complex Fluids and Flows
Michel O. Deville, 2012
Mathematical Modeling for Complex Fluids and Flows
Michel O. Deville, 2012
Fluids and Plasmas: Geometry and Dynamics
Ams-Ims-Siam Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Scie, 1984
О математической индукции. (Оn mathematical induction)
Генкин Л., Перевод с английского М.Д.Гриндлингера и Е.И.Гриндлингер. Под редакцией И.М.Яглома., 1962
The Mathematical Intelligencer Vol 33 No 2 June 2011
Springer, 2011
The Mathematical Intelligencer Vol 20 No 2, June 1998
Springer, 1998
The Mathematical Intelligencer Vol 18 No 3 Sept 1996
Springer, 1996
The Mathematical Intelligencer Vol 14 No 4, December 1992
Springer, 1992
Advanced calculus : an introduction to mathematical analysis
S. Zaidman., 1997.
Open Problems in Mathematical Systems and Control Theory
Dirk Aeyels, 1999
Mathematical Thinking and Quantitative Reasoning
Richard N. Aufmann, 2008
Fuzzy Mathematical Programming: Methods and Applications
Prof. Young-Jou Lai, 1992
International Mathematical Congresses: An Illustrated History 1893-1986
Donald J. Albers, 1987
International Mathematical Congresses: An Illustrated History 1893-1986
Donald J. Albers, 1987
Water Quality Management: A Review of the Development and Application of Mathematical Models
M. B. Beck (auth.), 1985
Collected mathematical papers
Arthur Cayley, 2010
An Operator Semigroup in Mathematical Genetics
Adam Bobrowski, 2015
Mathematical population dynamics
Ovide Arino, 1991