نتایج جستجو

A Citizen’s Guide to the Political Psychology of Voting
David P. Redlawsk; Michael W. Habegger, 2020
A Citizen's Guide to American Foreign Policy: Tragic Choices and the Limits of Rationality
David Patrick Houghton, 2013
Collaboration in Government: Forms and Practices
David E McNabb; Carl Swenson, 2021
The Communist Ideal in Hegel and Marx (Rle Marxism)
David MacGregor, 2019
Against the Law: Why Justice Requires Fewer Laws and a Smaller State
David Renton, 2022
Apus, caciques y presidentes. Estado y política indígena amazónica en los países andinos
Alexandre Surrallés, Oscar Espinosa, David Jabin, (eds.), 2016
David's Hammer: The Case for an Activist Judiciary
Clint Bolick, 2007
Debating Civil-Military Relations in Latin America
David Mares; Rafael Martínez, 2014
Debating War: Why Arguments Opposing American Wars and Interventions Fail
David Lorenzo, 2015
The Decline of the Soviet Union and the Transformation of the Middle East
David H. Goldberg; Paul Marantz, 2019
Democracy, Plan, and Market: Yakov Kronrod's Political Economy of Socialism
David Mandel; Yakov Kronrod, 2017
Estrategias políticas y gobierno local en Lima Metropolitana
David Sulmont, 1999
The Power of Civil Servants
Peter Hennessy; David Normington, 2018
People Matter
David Chan, 2015
Elites and Identities in Post-Soviet Space
David Stuart Lane, 2012
The Political Ecologist
David Wells; Tony Lynch, 1999
Federalism and the Making of America
David Brian Robertson, 2011
Teaching the Arts: Early Childhood & Primary Education, 2nd ed
David Roy, Amy Hamilton, William Baker, 2015
Precalculus : graphical, numerical, algebraic
Gregory D. Foley; David E. Bock; Franklin D. Demana; Daniel Kennedy; Bert K. Waits, 2023