نتایج جستجو

London in Contemporary British Fiction: The City Beyond the City
Nick Hubble, Philip Tew (eds.), 2016
Thin Film Solar Cells: Current Status and Future Trends
Alessio Bosio, Alessandro Romeo (eds.), 2011
Rethinking Feminist Phenomenology: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives
Sara Cohen Shabot, Christinia Landry (eds.), 2018
Czech Feminisms: Perspectives on Gender in East Central Europe
Iveta Jusova, Jiina Siklova (eds.), 2016
Engaging Primitive Anxieties of the Emerging Self: The Legacy of Frances Tustin
Howard B. Levine, David G. Power (eds.), 2017
Treating Trauma: Relationship-Based Psychotherapy with Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
Toni V. Heineman, June M. Clausen, Saralyn C. Ruff (eds.), 2013
Creative Therapies for Complex Trauma: Helping Children and Families in Foster Care, Kinship Care or Adoption
Joy Hasler, Anthea Hendry (eds.), 2017
Harm Reduction, Second Edition: Pragmatic Strategies for Managing High-Risk Behaviors
G. Alan Marlatt, Mary E. Larimer, Katie Witkiewitz (eds.), 2011
Daring to Be Good: Essays in Feminist Ethico-politics
Bat-Ami Bar On, Ann Ferguson (eds.), 1998
The new visibility of religion : studies in religion and cultural hermeneutics
Michael Hoelzl, Graham Ward (Eds.)
Food: A Culinary History from Antiquity to the Present
Jean-Louis Flandrin, Massimo Montanari (eds.), 1999
Tickling the Palate: Gastronomy in Irish Literature and Culture
Máirtin Mac Con Iomaire, Eamon Maher (eds.), 2014
Application of 21/4Cr-1 Mo Steel for Thick-Wall Pressure Vessels
Sangdahl, Semchyshen (eds.), 1982
Empowering Mathematics Learners: Yearbook 2017, Association of Mathematics Educators
Berinderjeet Kaur, Ngan Hoe Lee (eds.), 2017
Hybrid Intelligent Systems. Analysis and Design
Oscar Castillo, Patricia Melin, Janusz Kacprzyk, Witold Pedrycz (eds.), 2007
The Cambridge Companion to Monteverdi
John Whenham, Richard Wistreich (eds.), 2012
Real Analytic and Algebraic Geometry
Fabrizio Broglia, Margherita Galbiati, Alberto Tognoli (eds.), 1995,2011
The Essence of Nihilism
Emanuele Severino; Ines Testoni, Alessandro Carrera (eds.), 2016
Integration of Fuzzy Logic and Chaos Theory
Zhong Li, Wolfgang A. Halang, Guanrong Chen (eds.), 2006
Inclusão & biopolítica
Eli T Henn Fabris, Rejane Ramos Klein (eds.), 2016
From A to Z : proceedings of a symposium in honour of A. C. Zaanen
C.B. Huijsmans, M.A. Kaashoek, W.A.J. Luxemburg, W.K. Vietsch (eds), 1982
50 Years with Hardy Spaces: A Tribute to Victor Havin
Baranov, Anton; Kisliakov, Sergei; Nikolski, Nikolai (eds.), 2018
A practical manual of thyroid and parathyroid disease
Arora, Asit; Tolley, Neil S.; Tuttle, R. Michael(eds.), 2010
Advances in analysis, probability and mathematical physics. Contributions of nonstandard analysis
Albeverio S.A.et al. (eds.), 1995