نتایج جستجو

Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time
Titus Winters; Tom Manshreck; Hyrum Wright, 2020
Create Fine Art Photographs from Historic Places and Rusty Things
Lisa Cuchara; Tom Cuchara, 2017
Marxist Düşünce Sözlüğü
Tom Bottomore, 1993
Marksizmden Sonra Marx: Karl Marx'ın Felsefesi
Tom Rockmore, 2014
Constitutions in Authoritarian Regimes
Tom Ginsburg (editor); Alberto Simpser (editor), 2014
First Aid for the Internal Medicine Boards, Fourth Edition
Tao Le, Tom Baudendistel, Peter Chin-Hong, Cindy Lai, 2017
Brilliant Selling (Brilliant Business)
Tom Bird, 2014
The Case for Withdrawal from Afghanistan
Nick Turse; Tariq Ali; Andrew J. Bacevich; Dominique Bari; Rodric Braithwaite; Pratap Chatterjee; Juan Cole; Robert Crews; Robert Dreyfuss; Tom Engelhardt; Graham E. Fuller; Chalmers Johnson; Ann Jones; Malalai Joya; Oleg Vasilevich Kustov; Latif Pedram, 2010
Visions of Tomorrow: Science Fiction Predictions that Came True
Tom Easton; Judith K. Dial, 2010
Introduction to Theory of Computation
Tom Carter
Tough Sell
Tom Basile, 2017
The LIVING Supply Chain
Handfield, Robert; Linton, Tom;, 2017
The Heart Club: A History of London's Heart Surgery Pioneers
Tom Treasure, 2017
The Cinema of Globalization: A Guide to Films about the New Economic Order
Tom Zaniello, 2018
Believing in Opera
Tom Sutcliffe, 2014
The Age of Spectacle: Adventures in Architecture and the 21st-Century City
Tom Dyckhoff, 2017
Hunter's Tropical Medicine and Emerging Infectious Diseases
Edward T. Ryan, David R. Hill, Tom Solomon, Naomi E. Aronson, Timothy P. Endy, 2019
Historia wojen. Tom I. Wojna z Persami i Wandalami
Prokopiusz z Cezarei; Dariusz Brodka (tr.), 2013
Lonely Planet Germany, Austria & Switzerland's Best Trips
Lonely Planet; Nicola Williams; Kerry Christiani; Marc Di Duca; Catherine Le Nevez; Tom Masters; Sally O'Brien; Andrea Schulte-Peevers; Ryan Ver Berkmoes; Benedict Walker, 2016
Black Hat Go: Go Programming For Hackers and Pentesters
Tom Steele, Chris Patten, Dan Kottmann, 2020
Essential Study Skills
Tom Burns, Sandra Sinfield, 2016
The Orvis Fly-Fishing Guide, Completely Revised and Updated with Over 400 New Color Photos and Illustrations
Tom Rosenbauer; Bob White, 2007
Prawda. Krótka historia wciskania kitu
Tom Phillips, 2020