نتایج جستجو

Rethinking Infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean: Spending Better to Achieve More
Marianne Fay; Luis Alberto Andres; Charles Fox; Ulf Narloch; Michael Slawson, 2017
Criminality, Public Security, and the Challenge to Democracy in Latin America
Marcelo Bergman, 2009
Art on Jesuit Missions in Asia and Latin America, 1542-1773
Gauvin Alexander Bailey, 1999
L'ancien fonds vatican latin dans la nouvelle Bibliothèque Sixtine (1590-1610)
Jeannine Fohlen, Pierre Petitmengin, 1996
Comparative Politics of Latin America: Democracy at Last?
Daniel C. Hellinger, 2020
Literary Landscapes of Time: Multiple Temporalities and Spaces in Latin American and Caribbean Literatures
Jobst Welge, Juliane Tauchnitz, 2022
Financial Dollarization in Latin America
Robert Rennhack; Masahiro Nozaki, 2006
In Broken Latin : Poems
Annette Spaulding-Convy, 2012
An Introduction to the Study of Medieval Latin Versification
Dag Ludvig Norberg, Jan Ziolkowski (editor), 2004
Ossa Latinitatis Sola Ad Mentem Reginaldi Rationemque / The Mere Bones of Latin According to the Thought and System of Reginald
Thomas Foster, Daniel P. McCarthy, 2016
Climate Change in Regional Perspective: European Union and Latin American Initiatives, Challenges, and Solutions
Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann (editor), Paula Sandrin (editor), Yannis E. Doukas (editor), 2024
Carceral Communities in Latin America: Troubling Prison Worlds in the 21st Century (Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology)
Sacha Darke (editor), Chris Garces (editor), Luis Duno-Gottberg (editor), Andrés Antillano (editor), 2021
The Latin translation of the Arabic version of Euclid's Elements commonly ascribed to Gerard of Cremona: Introduction, Edition and Critical Apparatus by H.H.L. Busard
Euclid; Gerard of Cremona; H. L. L. Busard, 1984
Prefaces to Canon Law Books in Latin Christianity: Selected Translations, 500-1317
Robert Somerville, Bruce C. Brasington, 2020
China, Latin America, and the Global Economy: Economic, Historical, and National Issues
Aaron Schneider (editor), Alessandro Golombiewski Teixeira (editor), 2023
Woman and Art in Early Modern Latin America
Kellen Kee McIntyre (editor), Richard E. Phillips (editor), 2006
Cardinal Bessarion (1403–1472): Most Latin of Greeks, Most Greek of Latins
Michael Malone-Lee, 2023
China–Latin America Relations in the 21st Century: The Dual Complexities of Opportunities and Challenges (International Political Economy Series)
Raúl Bernal-Meza (editor), Li Xing (editor), 2020
Lives and Afterlives: The Hiberno-Latin Patrician Tradition, 650-1100
Elizabeth Dawson, 2023