نتایج جستجو

Knowers and Knowledge in East-West Philosophy: Epistemology Extended
Karyn L. Lai (editor), 2021
Russia's Military Way to the West: Origins and Nature of Russian Military Power, 1700-1800
Christopher Duffy, 1981
Superpowers, Rogue States and Terrorism: Countering the Security Threats to the West
Paul Moorcraft, 2017
Raymond W. Thorp, 2020
Britannia's Navy on the West Coast of North America, 1812–1914
Barry Gough, 2016
To Live and Die in the West: The American Indian Wars, 1860-90
Jason Hook; Martin Pegler, 2001
The West Bank of Greater New Orleans
Richard Campanella, 2020
Fighting Red Cloud's Warriors: True Tales Of Indian Days When The West Was Young
E. A. Brininstool, 2015
Great Iron Trail
Robert West Howard, 2020
Britain, Germany and Colonial Violence in South-West Africa, 1884-1919: The Herero and Nama Genocide
Mads Bomholt Nielsen, 2022
The Grand Titration: Science and Society in East and West
Joseph Needham, 1979
Conflict in Urban Development: A Comparison Between East and West
Arie Dekker; Henri Goverde; Tadeusz Markowski; Maria Ptaszynska-Woloczkowicz, 2018
West African Folk Tales
Hugh Vernon-Jackson, Patricia Wright, 2003
For the Unity of All: Contributions to the Theological Dialogue between East and West
John Panteleimon Manoussakis, 2015
Ginger East to West: A cook's tour with recipes, techniques and lore
Bruce Cost, 1984
The Economies of the West Bank and Gaza Strip
Fawzi A Gharaibeh, 2019
The Politics of Realignment: Party Change in the Mountain West
Peter F Galderisi; Michael S Lyons; Randy T Simmons; John G Francis, 2019
Dying on Foreign Shores: Travel and Mobility in the Late-antique West
Mark A. Handley, 2011
Shopping for Pleasure : Women in the Making of London's West End
Erika Rappaport; Erika Rappaport, 2021
Stories of West Orange
Joseph Fagan, 2014