نتایج جستجو

The Two Wings of Catholic Thought: Essays on Fides et Ratio
David Ruel Foster (editor), Joseph W. Koterski (editor), 2002
Model Selection and Multimodel Inference: A Practical Information-Theoretic Approach
Kenneth P. Burnham, David R. Anderson, 2002
Cajkowskij. Guida alla vita e all'ascolto
David Brown, 2012
Anticipations: Essays on Early Science Fiction and its Precursors
David Seed, 1995
Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence: Logic, Probability, and Computation
Luc Raedt , Kristian Kersting , Sriraam Natarajan , David Poole, 2022,2016
Bill Ricker: An Appreciation (Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes, 24)
David L. G. Noakes, 2006
Management Accounting
Kim Langfield-Smith, David Smith, Paul Andon, Ronald W. Hilton, Helen Thorne, 2021
The Reception of Pragmatism in France and the Rise of Roman Catholic Modernism, 1890-1914
David G. Schultenover (editor), 2009
Romantic Women’s Writing and Sexual Transgression
Kathryn Ready (editor), David Sigler (editor), 2024
Moral Dealing: Contract, Ethics, and Reason
David Gauthier, 1990
祖先的风景: 商代晚期的时间、空间和社会(约公元前1200—前1045年)
吉德炜(David N. Keightley), 2022
A Concise History of Finland
David Kirby, 2006
Houston and the Permanence of Segregation: An Afropessimist Approach to Urban History
David Ponton III, 2024
The UFO Controversy in America
David Michael Jacobs, 1975
Terra Firma (The Earth is not a Planet)
David Wardlaw Scott
Educational Evaluations of Children With Special Needs: Clinical and Forensic Considerations
David Breiger, Kristen Bishop , G. Andrew H. Benjamin, 2013
Mapungubwe Reconsidered: A Living Legacy: Exploring Beyond the Rise and Decline of the Mapungubwe State
Shadreck Chirikure, Peter Delius, Amanda Esterhuysen, Simon Hall, Sekibakiba Lekgoathi, Maanda Maulaudzi, Vele Neluvhalani, Otsile Ntsoane, David Pearce, Karim Sadr, Jeanette Smith, Rachel Browne (editor), Michelle Hay (editor), Alex Schoeman (editor), Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA) (editor), 2016
Renewed Archaeology Excavations at Lachish (1973-1994)
Darwin's Cathedral: Evolution, Religion, and the Nature of Society
David Sloan Wilson, 2002
Deutschbuch 10 - Gymnasium - Allgemeine Ausgabe 10. Schuljahr
Andrea Wagener, Gerd Brenner, Heinz Gierlich,Cordula Grunow, Alexander Joist,David Krause, Markus Langner,Angela Mielke, Deborah Mohr,Christoph Oldeweme, Norbert Pabelick,Christoph Schappert, Frank Schneider und Klaus Tetling, 2016
The Plight of a Sorcerer
Georges Dumézil; Jaan Puhvel; David Weeks, 1986
Becoming SRE: First Steps Toward Reliability for You and Your Organization
David N. Blank-Edelman, 2024