نتایج جستجو

Advances in Waste-to-Energy Technologies
Rajeev Pratap Singh (Editor); Vishal Prasad (Editor); Barkha Vaish (Editor), 2019
Advancing Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice Through Human Systems Engineering
Rod D. Roscoe (Editor); Erin K. Chiou (Editor); Abigail R. Wooldridge (Editor), 2019
Advancing Rule of Law in a Global Context-Proceedings of the International Conference on Law and Governance in a Global Context (icLave 2017), November 1-2, 2017, Depok, Indonesia
Heru Susetyo (Editor); Patricia Rinwigati Waagstein (Editor); Akhmad Budi Cahyono (Editor), 2020
Aesthetic Facial Anatomy Essentials for Injections
Ali Pirayesh (Editor); Dario Bertossi (Editor); Izolda Heydenrych (Editor), 2020
Alcohol, Drugs, and Impaired Driving-Forensic Science and Law Enforcement Issues
A. Wayne Jones (Editor); Jorg Gustav Morland (Editor); Ray H. Liu (Editor), 2020
Anti-Infective Applications of Interferon-Gamma
H.S. Jaffe (Editor); L.R. Bucalo (Editor); S.A. Sherwin (Editor), 1992
Antioxidants in Systems of Varying Complexity-Chemical, Biochemical, and Biological Aspects
Lyudmila N. Shishkina (Editor); Alexander N. Goloshchapov (Editor); Larissa I. Weisfeld (Editor), 2019
Textbook of Pediatric Neurosurgery
Concezio Di Rocco (editor), Dachling Pang (editor), James T. Rutka (editor), 2020
The Routledge international handbook of criminology and human rights
Elaine Fishwick (editor); Leanne Weber (editor); Marinella Marmo (editor), 2017
Social psychology and politics
Klaus Fiedler (editor); William D. Crano (editor); Joseph P. Forgas (editor), 2015
Genetic counseling practice : advanced concepts and skills
Patricia McCarthy Veach (editor); Bonnie LeRoy (editor); Nancy P. Callanan (editor), 2021
Of ye Olde Englisch Langage and Textes: New Perspectives on Old and Middle English Language and Literature
Carlos Prado Alonso (editor), Paula Rodriguez-Puente (editor), Rodrigo Perez Lorido (editor), 2020
Broken Mirrors: Representations of Apocalypses and Dystopias in Popular Culture
Joe Trotta (editor), Zlatan Filipovic (editor), Houman Sadri (editor), 2019
Global Challenges and the Law of the Sea
Marta Chantal Ribeiro (editor), Fernando Loureiro Bastos (editor), Tore Henriksen (editor), 2020
The Cognitive Neurosciences
David Poeppel (editor), George R. Mangun (editor), Michael S. Gazzaniga (editor), 2020
SME Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Handbook (2 Volumes)
S. Komar Kawatra (editor), Courtney A. Young (editor) Robert C. Dunne (editor), 2019
Obstetric intensive care manual
Michael R. Foley (editor); Thomas J. Garite (editor); Jr. Thomas H. Strong (editor), 2018
Political violence in South Asia
Jobāidā Nāsarīna (editor); Ali Riaz (editor); Fahmida Zaman (editor), 2019
Oral Epidemiology: A Textbook on Oral Health Conditions, Research Topics and Methods (Textbooks in Contemporary Dentistry)
Marco A. Peres (editor), Jose Leopoldo Ferreira Antunes (editor), Richard G. Watt (editor), 2020
The Collected Papers of William Burnside: 2-Volume Set (Mathematics)
William Burnside, (editor) Peter M. Neumann , (editor) A. J. S. Mann, (editor) Julia C. Tompson, 2004
Modernism and food studies : politics, aesthetics, and the avant-garde
Jessica Martell (editor); Adam Fajardo (editor); Philip Keel Geheber (editor), 2019
Critical Issues on Violence Against Women: International Perspectives and Promising Strategies
Holly Johnson (editor), Bonnie S. Fisher (editor), Veronique Jaquier (editor), 2014
The Science of Reason: A Festschrift for Jonathan St B.T. Evans
Ken Manktelow (editor), David Over (editor), Shira Elqayam (editor), 2010
State, Trade Unions, and Self-Management: Issues of Competence and Control
Gyorgy Szell (editor), Paul Blyton (editor), Chris Cornforth (editor), 1989