نتایج جستجو

Enhancing crop genepool use: capturing wild relative and landrace diversity for crop improvement
Dulloo, Mohammad Ehsan; Ford-Lloyd, Brian; Maxted, Nigel, 2016
Durum wheat: chemistry and technology
Abecassis, Joël; Carcea, Marina; Marchylo, Brian; Sissons, Mike, 2012
Achieving Competencies For Nursing Practice: a Handbook For Student Nurses
Webster, Brian; Reading, Sheila, 2014
The design studio method: creative problem solving with UX sketching
Sullivan, Brian, 2016
An Environmental History of Southern Malawi: Land and People of the Shire Highlands
Brian Morris (auth.), 2016
ANU Productions: The Monto Cycle
Brian Singleton (auth.), 2016
Algorithms for Data Science
Brian Steele, John Chandler, Swarna Reddy, 2017
Photodynamic medicine: from bench to clinic
Herwig Kostron, Herwig Kostron, Tayyaba Hasan, Tayyaba Hasan, Massimo Trotta, Mahmoud H. Abdel-Kader, Santi Nonell, Barbara Krammer, Zvi Malik, Charles Gomer, Céline Frochot, David Russell, Pal K. Selbo, Kristian Berg, Rizvi Imran, Brian Wilson, Kevin Moghissi, P. G. Calzavara-Pinton, Alexis Sidoroff, Theresa Hommel, Bernhard Ortel, Lothar Lilge, Kinya Furukawa, Kimberley Samkoe, Serge Mordon, Colin Hopper, Peter Hillemanns, Avigdor Scherz, Aleksander Sieron, Michael Hamblin, Nicolas Loebel, Oli, 2016
Drug utilization research: methods and applications
Monique Elseviers, Bj?rn Wettermark, Anna Birna Almarsd?ttir, Morten Andersen, Ria Benko, Marion Bennie, Irene Eriksson, Brian Godman, Janet Krska, Elisabetta Poluzzi, Kstja Taxis, Vera Vlahovic-Palcevski, Robert Vander Stichele, 2016
Superalloys 2016: proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Superalloys ; sponsored by the Seven Springs International Symposium Committee in cooperation with the High Temperature Alloys Committee of the Structural Materials Division of TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society) and co-sponsored by ASM International and IOM³ (The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining); held September 11-15, 2016 at the Seven Springs Mountain Resort, Seven Springs, Pennsylvania, USA
Mark C. Hardy, Eric S. Huron, Uwe Glatzel, Brian Griffin, Beth Lewis, Cathie Rae, Venkat Seetharaman, Sammy Tin, 2016
The Oxford Handbook of Continental Philosophy
Brian Leiter, Michael Rosen, 2008
Nie tłumacz się, działaj! Odkryj moc samodyscypliny
Brian Tracy, 2011
Tech Talk Elementary Workbook
John Sydes, Brian Cross, 2003
Against the grain : Brian Fitzpatrick and Manning Clark in Australian history and politics
Sheila Fitzpatrick, Stuart Macintyre, 2007
Foreign Ministries: Change and Adaptation
Brian Hocking (eds.), 1999
Development of an Environmental and Economic Assessment Tool (Enveco Tool) for Fire Events
Francine Amon, Jonatan Gehandler, Selim Stahl, Mai Tomida, Brian Meacham (auth.), 2016
Instructional Scaffolding in STEM Education: Strategies and Efficacy Evidence
Brian R. Belland (auth.), 2017
Hearing Aids
Gerald R. Popelka, Brian C. J. Moore, Richard R. Fay, Arthur N. Popper (eds.), 2016
Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Diagnosis and Treatment
Brian I. Carr (eds.), 2016
Health and Lifestyle: Separating the Truth from the Myth with Statistics
Brian S. Everitt (auth.), 2016
Handbuch Deutscher Idealismus
Matteo d’Alfonso, Félix Duque, Gian Franco Frigo, Bärbel Frischmann, Piero Giordanetti, Jean-François Kervégan, Lothar Knatz, Georg Mohr, Brian O’Connor, Detlev Pätzold, Maciej Potępa, Michael Rosen, Henriikka Tavi, Hans Jörg Sandkühler (eds.), 2005
Quantitative Regional Economic and Environmental Analysis for Sustainability in Korea
Euijune Kim, Brian H. S. Kim (eds.), 2016
Intersubjectivity and the Double: Troubled Matters
Brian Seitz (auth.), 2016