نتایج جستجو

IMPACT & PRESENCE pocketbook
Immersive Journalism as Storytelling; Ethics, Production, and Design
Turo Uskali, Astrid Gynnild, Sarah Jones, Esa Sirkkunen, 2021
David Jones on Religion, Politics, and Culture
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2018
An introduction to women's studies
Jennifer Coates; Beryl Madoc-Jones, 1997
Contemporary feminist theories
Jackie Jones (editor); Stevi Jackson (editor), 1998
Remoteability: 12 Tactics to Manage the Culture of Your Suddenly Remote Team
Corbridge, Tanner; Jones, Jared; Hill, Russ, 2020
The Buddhist Self: On Tathāgatagarbha and Ātman
C. V. Jones, 2020
Texas Department of Corrections : 30 years of progress.
Richard C. Jones, 1977
Texas Roots: Agriculture and Rural Life before the Civil War
C. Allan Jones, 2005
Windows PowerShell实战指南(第3版)
Don Jones(道·琼斯) / Jeffery Hicks(杰弗瑞·希克斯) 著; 宋沄剑 译, 2017
Reflections in an Oval Mirror: Memories of East Prussia 1923-1945
Anneli Jones, 2017
Google’s Conquest of Ireland
E. Michael Jones, 2020
How Joking About Life Turned Life Into A Joke
E. Michael Jones, 2020
Prehistoric Materialities: Becoming Material in Prehistoric Britain and Ireland
Andrew Meirion Jones, 2012
Culturally Diverse Counseling: Theory and Practice
Elsie Jones-Smith, 2018
Memoirs of Cyril Jones : People, Society, and Railways in Hyderabad
Omar Khalidi, 1991
Hungry Hearts: Essays on Courage, Desire, and Belonging
Walsh, Jennifer Rudolph; Luvvie Ajayi Jones; Amena Brown; Austin Channing Brown; Cameron Esposito; Ashley C. Ford; Natalie Guerrero; Sue Monk Kidd; Connie (MILCK) Lim; Nkosingiphile Mabaso, 2021
The Emergence Of The Digital Humanities
Steven E. Jones, 2014
Oxygen Uptake Kinetics in Sport, Exercise and Medicine
Andrew M. Jones, David C. Poole, 2004
Religious Controversy in British India:Dialogues in South Asian Languages
Kenneth W. Jones, 1992
The Hellenistic Court: Monarchic Power and Elite Society from Alexander to Cleopatra
Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones (editor), Shane Wallace (editor), 2017