نتایج جستجو

Crisis and Renewal in the History of European Political Thought
Cesare Cuttica (editor), László Kontler (editor), Clara Maier(editor), 2021
Arc Schemes and Singularities
David Bourqui (editor), Johannes Nicaise (editor), Julien Sebag (editor), 2020
Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Smart Cities
Mohamed Lahby (editor), Utku Kose (editor), Akash Kumar Bhoi (editor), 2021
Geriatrics for Specialists
Andrew G. Lee (editor), Jane F. Potter (editor), G. Michael Harper (editor), 2021
Guide to Complex Interventional Endoscopic Procedures
Cristina Demone (editor); Stephanie Shea (editor); Kelly Esponda (editor), 2021
Vocal Fold Injection
Byung-Joo Lee (editor), Tack-Kyun Kwon (editor), Clark A. Rosen (editor), 2021
Endovascular Tools and Techniques Made Easy
Vikram S. Kashyap (editor), Matthew Janko (editor), Justin A. Smith (editor), 2020
Kelsang Norbu (Gesang Norbu, Skal bzang nor bu སྐལ་བཟང་ནོར་བུ། guest editor); Tshe dbang rdo rje ཚེ་དབང་རྡོ་རྗེ། (editor), and Rin chen rdo rje རིན་ཆེན་རྡོ་རྗེ། (editor), 2021
Diagnostic Radiology Physics with MATLAB®: A Problem-Solving Approach
Johan Helmenkamp (editor), Robert Bujila (editor), Gavin Poludniowski (editor), 2020
IoT and Analytics for Sensor Networks: Proceedings of ICWSNUCA 2021 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 244)
Padmalaya Nayak (editor), Souvik Pal (editor), Sheng-Lung Peng (editor), 2021
Political Graffiti in Critical Times: The Aesthetics of Street Politics
Ricardo Campos (editor), Yiannis Zaimakis (editor), Andrea Pavoni (editor), 2021
The Mesenteric Organ in Health and Disease
Eli D. Ehrenpreis (editor), John C. Alverdy (editor), Steven D. Wexner (editor), 2021
Crime and Behavior
Sylvia Valenzuela (editor), Paul Kaplan (editor), Stuart Henry (editor), 2013
Research Handbook on Human Rights and Digital Technology: Global Politics, Law and International Relations
Ben Wagner (editor), Matthias C. Kettemann (editor), Kilian Vieth (editor), 2019
Atomic-Scale Modelling of Electrochemical Systems
Marko M. Melander (editor), Tomi T. Laurila (editor), Kari Laasonen (editor), 2021
Equine Hematology, Cytology, and Clinical Chemistry
Raquel M. Walton (editor), Rick L. Cowell (editor), Amy C. Valenciano (editor), 2021
Veterinary Vaccines: Principles and Applications
Samia Metwally (editor), Gerrit Viljoen (editor), Ahmed El Idrissi (editor), 2021
Revolutionary Rehearsals in the Neoliberal Age
Colin Barker (editor), Gareth Dale (editor), Neil Davidson (editor), 2021
Small Animal Dermatology for Technicians and Nurses
Kim Horne (editor), Marcia Schwassmann (editor), Dawn Logas (editor), 2019
Applications of Big Data in Healthcare: Theory and Practice
Ashish Khanna (editor), Deepak Gupta (editor), Nilanjan Dey (editor), 2021
Big Data Analysis of Nanoscience Bibliometrics, Patent, and Funding Data (2000-2019)
Yuliang Zhao (editor), Hongjun Xiao (editor), Xingxing He (editor), 2021
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2020 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 203)
John Littlewood (editor), Robert J. Howlett (editor), Lakhmi C. Jain (editor), 2020
Sinus Floor Elevation Procedures (ITI Treatment Guide, Volume 5) (ITI Treatment Guides)
S. Jensen, H. Katsuyama, S. Chen (editor), D. Buser (editor), D. Wismeijer (editor), 2011
Catalysis for clean energy and environmental sustainability. Volume 1, Biomass conversion and green chemistry
Ejaz Ahmad (editor); K. K. Pant (editor); Sanjay Kumar Gupta (editor), 2021