نتایج جستجو

International Relations Theory: A Critical Introduction
Cynthia Weber, 2021
Albania on the Move : Links Between Internal and International Migration
Julie Vullnetari, 2012
Cambridge IGCSE International Mathematics
Ric Pimentel, Frankie Pimentel, Terry Wall, 2023
Crossing Boundaries : Tension and Transformation in International Service-Learning
Robert G. Bringle; Patrick M. Green; Mathew Johnson; Robert G Bringle, 2014
Current Issues, Achievements and Prospects of Science and Education
XII International Scientific and Practical Conference, 2021
Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods: 6th International Conference, ICPRAM 2017, Porto, Portugal, February 24–26, 2017, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10857)
Maria De Marsico (editor), Gabriella Sanniti di Baja (editor), Ana Fred (editor)
Advancements in Smart Computing and Information Security: First International Conference, ASCIS 2022, Rajkot, India, November 24–26, 2022, Revised ... in Computer and Information Science, 1759)
Sridaran Rajagopal (editor), Parvez Faruki (editor), Kalpesh Popat (editor)
Computational Science – ICCS 2023: 23rd International Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 3–5, 2023, Proceedings, Part IV
Jiří Mikyška, Clélia de Mulatier, Maciej Paszynski, Valeria V. Krzhizhanovskaya, Jack J. Dongarra, Peter M.A. Sloot, 2023
International Law in Europe, 700-1200
Jenny Benham, 2022
Religion and Politics in International Relations: The Modern Myth
Timothy Fitzgerald, 2011
Foundations of International Relations
Stephen McGlinchey (editor), 2022
The European Union in International Climate Change Politics: Still Taking a Lead?
Rüdiger Wurzel; James Connelly; Duncan Liefferink
International Communication: A Reader
Daya Kishan Thussu, 2010
Food Law: European, Domestic and International Frameworks
Caoimhín MacMaoláin, 2015
Finnish Yearbook of International Law - Volume 22, 2011
Jan Klabbers (editor), 2013
Scrittori liguri verso il terzo millennio. International Seminar (La Spezia, 18 giugno 2009)
D. Rapattoni (curatore), 2010
The Routledge International Handbook of Children's Rights and Disability
Angharad E. Beckett (editor); Anne-Marie Callus (editor), 2023
International Law for Common Goods: Normative Perspectives on Human Rights, Culture and Nature
Federico Lenzerini; Ana Filipa Vrdoljak (editors), 2005
International Reception of T. S. Eliot
Elisabeth Däumer; Shyamal Bagchee (editors), 2007
The Intersection of Star Culture in America and International Medical Tourism : Celebrity Treatment
Kathy Merlock Jackson; Lisa Lyon Payne; Kathy Shepherd Stolley, 2015