نتایج جستجو

El centro administrativo - ceremonial inca de Huánuco Pampa : investigaciones arqueológicas e históricas.
Carlo Ordóñez Inga; Perú. Ministerio de Cultura., 2015
唐代丝绸之路与中亚史地丛考: 以唐代文献为研究中心
许序雅, 2015
古文字类编(增订本): 北京大学震旦古代文明研究中心学术丛书特刊
高明; 涂白奎, 2008
Global Talent: Skilled Labor as Social Capital in Korea (Studies of the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center)
Gi-Wook Shin, Joon Nak Choi, 2015
Psychophysiological Mechanisms of Hypnosis: An International Symposium sponsored by the International Brain Research Organization and the Centre de Recherche, Institut de Psychiatrie La Rochefoucauld, Paris
Léon Chertok (auth.), Léon Chertok M.D. (eds.), 1969
Rethinking Management and Economics in the New 20’s: The 2022 Centre of Applied Research in Management and Economics (CARME) Conference
Eleonora Santos, Neuza Ribeiro, Teresa Eugénio, 2023
Building Construction Illustrated / Иллюстрированное строительство зданий
Francis D.K. Chang, 2008
Seismic Performance of Concrete Buildings: Structures and Infrastructures Book Series, Vol. 9
Liviu Crainic, Mihai Munteanu, 2012
Advanced energy design guide for small retail buildings: achieving 30% energy savings over toward a net zero energy building
American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, 2006
A Practical Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms using Java (Chapman & Hall CRC Applied Algorithms and Data Structures series)
Sally A. Goldman, Kenneth J. Goldman, 2007
Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings ( ANSI ASHRAE 189.1-2009 )
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, 2009
How to Read a Building: Interpret a Building's Character and Style
Timothy Brittain-Catlin, 2008
Building Economics: appraisal and control of building design cost and efficiency
Ivor H. Seeley BSc, MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FIMunE, FIQS, MIOB (auth.), 1976
Building Economics: Appraisal and control of building design cost and efficiency
Ivor H. Seeley BSc (Est Man), MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, FCIOB, FCIH (auth.), 1996
Building Economics: Appraisal and control of building design cost and efficiency
Ivor H. Seeley BSc, MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, FCIOB, FIH (auth.), 1983
Code Check Building: A Field Guide to the Building Codes
Michael Casey mon, Redwood Kardon, Douglas Hansen, Paddy Morrissey, 2003