نتایج جستجو

Food and culture : a reader
Carole Counihan, Penny Van Esterik (eds.), 2013
Mapping English Metaphor Through Time
Wendy Anderson, Ellen Bramwell, Carole Hough (eds.), 2016
Que Seja Doce
Felipe Bronze, Carole Crema, Lucas Corazza, Roberto Strongoli, 2015
The Oxford Handbook of Names and Naming
Carole Hough, 2016
Places of Public Memory: The Rhetoric of Museums and Memorials
Greg Dickinson, Carole Blair, Brian L. Ott, 2010
“High and Mighty Queens” of Early Modern England: Realities and Representations
Carole Levin, Jo Eldridge Carney, Debra Barrett-Graves (eds.), 2003
Dance Performance by Lúčnica, Slovak National Folklore Ballet: What Is the Meaning of Staged Folkloric Performances?
Diane Carole Roy, Graeme Smith, 2013
Left of Karl Marx: The Political Life of Black Communist Claudia Jones
Carole Boyce Davies, 2008
Comprehensive Neonatal Nursing Care
Carole Kenner, 2019
The Anthropology of Food and Body. Gender, Meaning and Power
Counihan, Carole, 2000
Out of the Kumbla: Caribbean Women and Literature
Carole Boyce Davies (editor); Elaine Savory Fido (editor), 1989
Plurality and Perspective in Psychoanalysis
Adam Rosen-Carole, 2013
Le signe trompeur : une étude du language ambigu et mensonger dans quelques farces médiévales
Kent, Carole Anne, 1997
Octavian : a critical edition
Head, Carole Ann, 1978
Ngambika: Studies of Women in African Literature
Carole Boyce Davies (editor); Anne Adams Graves (editor), 1986
Home déco 100 % filles
Carole Ferro, 2009
Black Women, Writing and Identity: Migrations of the Subject
Carole Boyce Davies, 1994
Carole Wade, Carol Tavris, 2016
Claudia Jones: Beyond Containment: Autobiographical Reflections, Essays, and Poems
Carole Boyce Davies; Claudia Jones; Alrick X. Cambridge, 2010
L'art sous contrôle
Carole Talon-Hugon
Une histoire personnelle et philosophique des arts - Classicisme et Lumières
Carole Talon-Hugon, 2015
L'antiquité grecque
Carole Talon-Hugon, 2014
How to Do Everything: Microsoft Office Online
Carole Matthews; Marty Matthews, 2015
Premières leçons sur La monadologie de Leibniz
Carole Maigné, 1998