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Handbook of optics
Michael Bass;Casimer DeCusatis;Guifang Li;Carolyn Ann MacDonald;Eric W Van Stryland;All authors
Handbook of optics
Michael Bass;Casimer DeCusatis;Guifang Li;Carolyn Ann MacDonald;Eric W Van Stryland;All authors
Handbook of Optics, Third Edition Volume II: Design, Fabrication and Testing, Sources and Detectors, Radiometry and Photometry
Michael Bass, Casimer DeCusatis, Jay Enoch, Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan, Guifang Li, Carolyn MacDonald, Virendra Mahajan, Eric Van Stryland, 2009
Handbook of Optics, Third Edition Volume II: Design, Fabrication and Testing, Sources and Detectors, Radiometry and Photometry (v. 2)
Michael Bass, Casimer DeCusatis, Jay Enoch, Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan, Guifang Li, Carolyn MacDonald, Virendra Mahajan, Eric Van Stryland, 2009
Handbook of Optics, Third Edition Volume III: Vision and Vision Optics(set)
Michael Bass, Casimer DeCusatis, Jay Enoch, Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan, Guifang Li, Carolyn MacDonald, Virendra Mahajan, Eric Van Stryland, 2009
The Handbook of Large Group Methods: Creating Systemic Change in Organizations and Communities (Jossey-Bass Business & Management)
Barbara Benedict Bunker, Billie T. Alban, 2006
Achieving and Sustaining Institutional Excellence for the First Year of College (Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education)
Betsy O. Barefoot, John N. Gardner, Marc Cutright, Libby V. Morris, Charles C. Schroeder, Stephen W. Schwartz, Michael J. Siegel, Randy L. Swing, 2005
Fiber optics handbook: fiber, devices, and systems for optical communications
Michael Bass, Eric W. Van Stryland, Optical Society of America, 2002
Michael Bass (Ed.), 1994
Handbook of Optics
Michael Bass, Virendra N. Mahajan, 2010
Handbook of Optics
Michael Bass, Guifang Li, Eric Van Stryland, 2010
Handbook of Optics
Michael Bass, Virendra N. Mahajan, 2010
Interpretation and difference : the strangeness of care
Bass, Alan; Derrida, Jacques; Freud, Sigmund; Heidegger, Martin; Nietzsche, Friedrich, 2006
Margins of Philosophy
Jacques Derrida, Alan Bass, 1982
Handbook of Optics, Third Edition Volume IV: Optical Properties of Materials, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics (set)
Michael Bass, Casimer DeCusatis, Jay Enoch, Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan, Guifang Li, Carolyn MacDonald, Virendra Mahajan, Eric Van Stryland, 2009
Handbook of Optics; 3rd Edition 2010 Vol III
Michael Bass, Virendra N. Mahajan, 2010
250 amazing fishing tips : the best tactics and techniques to catch any and all game fish : bass, trout, panfish and more!
Rice, John; Underwood, Lamar, 2015
25 Essential Rock Bass Classics
Hal Leonard Corp., 1998
Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture: Based on the Competing Values Framework (The Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series)
Kim S. Cameron, Robert E. Quinn, 2005
101 Bass Tips: Stuff All the Pros Know and Use
Gary Willis, 2002
101 Bass Tips: Stuff All the Pros Know and Use
Gary Willis, 2002
Organizational Culture and Leadership (The Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series)
Edgar H. Schein, 2010