نتایج جستجو

The Work of Communication: Relational Perspectives on Working and Organizing in Contemporary Capitalism
Timothy Kuhn, Karen L Ashcraft, Francois Cooren (eds.), 2017
Robert lawrence kuhn; 罗伯特·劳伦斯·库恩, 2004
Expert Oracle database architecture : techniques and solutions for high-performance and productivity
Kuhn, Darl; Kyte, Thomas, 2014
Radiologie : ... 104 Tabellen
Reiser, Maximilian; Debus, Jürgen; Kuhn, Fritz-Peter, 2006
Die Bistümer der Kirchenprovinz Mainz / Bistum Konstanz. 4, Das (freiweltliche) Damenstift Buchau am Federsee
Maurer, Helmut; Sydow, Jürgen; Kuhn-Rehfus, Maren, 1994
Akka Concurrency
Derek Wyatt, Roland, Dr. Kuhn, 2013
Reactive Design Patterns
Roland Kuhn; Jamie Allen, 2014
Counter-narratives and organization
Frandsen, Sanne; Kuhn, Timothy; Lundholt, Marianne Wolff, 2017
Chinese Among Others: Emigration in Modern Times
Philip A. Kuhn, 2008
Origins of the Modern Chinese State
Philip A Kuhn, 2002
中华帝国晚期的叛乱及其敌人 : 1796-1864年的军事化与社会結构 /Zhonghua di guo wan qi de pan luan ji qi di ren : 1796-1864 nian de jun shi hua yu she hui jie guo
Xie, Siwei; Xie, Liangsheng; Yang, Pinquan; Kuhn, Philip A., 2002
La Structure des révolutions scientifiques
Thomas Samuel Kuhn, 1983
La structure des révolutions scientifiques
Thomas S. Kuhn, 1983
Kuhn’s the Structure of Scientific Revolutions Revisited
Vasso Kindi; Theodore Arabatzis, 2012
Maß und Integral - Lösungshandbuch
Rene L. Schilling, Franziska Kühn, 2016
Blender 3D: Characters, Machines, and Scenes for Artists
Enrico Valenza;Christopher Kuhn;Romain Caudron;Pierre-Armand Nicq, 2016
Stresses in Aircraft and Shell Structures
Paul Kuhn, 1956
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Thomas S. Kuhn, 1996
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Thomas S. Kuhn, 1996
Popper y Kuhn: Dos gigantes de la filosofía de la ciencia del siglo XX
C. Ulises Moulines, 2015