نتایج جستجو

Artificial Intelligence for Materials Science (Springer Series in Materials Science, 312)
Yuan Cheng (editor), Tian Wang (editor), Gang Zhang (editor), 2021
Artificial Intelligence for Materials Science (Springer Series in Materials Science, 312)
Yuan Cheng (editor), Tian Wang (editor), Gang Zhang (editor), 2021
Deployable Machine Learning for Security Defense: Second International Workshop, MLHat 2021, Virtual Event, August 15, 2021, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science)
Gang Wang (editor), Arridhana Ciptadi (editor), Ali Ahmadzadeh (editor), 2021
International Student Recruitment and Mobility in Non-Anglophone Countries: Theories, Themes, and Patterns
Hans de Wit (editor), Ekaterina Minaeva (editor), Lizhou Wang (editor), 2022
Handbook of Developmental Neurotoxicology
William SlikkerJr. (editor), Merle G. Paule (editor), Cheng Wang (editor), 2018
Combinatorial Optimization and Applications: Second International Conference, COCOA 2008, St. John's, NL, Canada, August 21-24, 2008, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5165)
Boting Yang (editor), Ding-Zhu Du (editor), Cao An Wang (editor), 2008
Databases Theory and Applications: 33rd Australasian Database Conference, ADC 2022, Sydney, NSW, Australia, September 2–4, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13459)
Wen Hua (editor), Hua Wang (editor), Lei Li (editor), 2022
Combinatorial Optimization and Applications: 5th International Conference, COCOA 2011, Zhangjiajie, China, August 4-6, 2011, Proceedings
Weifan Wang (editor), Xuding Zhu (editor), Ding-Zhu Du (editor), 2011
Computational Intelligence: Research Frontiers: IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI 2008, Hong Kong, China, June 1-6, 2008, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5050)
Jacek M. Zurada (editor), Gary G. Yen (editor), Jun Wang (editor), 2008
Cryptology and Network Security: 10th International Conference, CANS 2011, Sanya, China, December 10-12, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7092)
Dongdai Lin (editor), Gene Tsudik (editor), Xiaoyun Wang (editor), 2011
Communications, Networking, and Information Systems: First International Congress, CNIS 2023, Guilin, China, March 25–27, 2023, Revised Selected ... in Computer and Information Science)
Haonan Chen (editor), Pingyi Fan (editor), Lipo Wang (editor), 2023
Chinese Handicrafts
Hua Jueming (editor), Li Jinsong (editor), Wang Lianhai (editor), 2023
Chaotic Systems with Multistability and Hidden Attractors (Emergence, Complexity and Computation, 40)
Xiong Wang (editor), Nikolay V. Kuznetsov (editor), Guanrong Chen (editor), 2021
The Routledge Companion to Literature and Economics
Matt Seybold (Editor), Michelle Chihara (Editor), 2018
Spectrum Women: Walking to the Beat of Autism
Barb Cook (Editor), Michelle Garnett (Editor), 2018
Archipelagic American Studies
Brian Russell Roberts (editor); Michelle Ann Stephens (editor), 2017
The Nurse Practitioner in Urology: A Manual for Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants and Allied Healthcare Providers
Michelle Lajiness (editor), Susanne Quallich (editor), 2020
Voices from the Edge: Centring Marginalized Perspectives in Analytic Theology
Michelle Panchuk (editor), Michael Rea (editor), 2020
Quantitative Data Analysis for Language Assessment Volume II: Advanced Methods
Vahid Aryadoust (editor), Michelle Raquel (editor), 2019
Gender, Otherness, and Culture in Medieval and Early Modern Art
Carlee A. Bradbury (editor), Michelle Moseley-christian (editor), 2017
Quantitative Data Analysis for Language Assessment Volume I: Fundamental Techniques
Vahid Aryadoust (editor), Michelle Raquel (editor), 2019
Cognitive Phenomenology
Tim Bayne (editor), Michelle Montague (editor), 2014
Destroying Democracy: Neoliberal capitalism and the rise of authoritarian politics
Jane Duncan, Linda Gordon, Gunnett Kaaf, Dale T McKinley, Alf Gunvald Nilsen, Devan Pillay, Mandla J Radebe, Alfredo Saad-Filho, Ingar Solty, Michelle Williams (editor), Vishwas Satgar (editor), 2021
Labor and Delivery Nursing, Second Edition: A Guide to Evidence-Based Practice
Michelle Murray (editor), Gayle Huelsmann (editor), 2020