نتایج جستجو

Models and Methods for Interval-Valued Cooperative Games in Economic Management
Deng-Feng Li (auth.), 2016
Zytokinregulation bei chronischer Herzinsuffizienz, extrakorporaler Zirkulation und Herztransplantation
Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Mario C. Deng (auth.), 1997
Lectures, Problems and Solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations
Yuefan Deng, 2014
Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China
Ezra F. Vogel, 2011
Deng: A Political Biography
Benjamin Yang, 1997
Everyday Tao: Living with Balance and Harmony
Ming-Dao Deng, 1996
Mechanical Circulatory Support Therapy in Advance Heart Failure
Mario C. Deng, 2007
War of visions: conflict of identities in the Sudan
Francis Mading Deng, 1995
Data-Driven 3D Facial Animation
Zhigang Deng, 2007
Data-Driven 3d Facial Animation
Zhigang Deng, 2008
Remapping the Past: Fictions of History in Deng's China, 1979-1997
Howard Yuen Fung Choy, 2008
The Living I Ching: Using Ancient Chinese Wisdom to Shape Your Life
Ming-Dao Deng, 2006
The Deng Xiaoping Era: An Inquiry into the Fate of Chinese Socialism, 1978-1994
Maurice Meisner, 1996
Elementary Chinese course (Volume 1)
DENG Yi, 1993
State and Civil Society: The Chinese Perspective
Zhenglai Deng, 2010