نتایج جستجو

Cherries: Botany, Production and Uses
José Quero-Garcia, A. Iezzoni, J. Pulawska, Gregory Lang, 2017
Dinâmica Estocástica e Irreversibilidade
Tânia Tomé, Mário José de Oliveira
JavaFX 9 by Example
Carl Dea, Gerrit Grunwald, José Pereda, Sean Phillips, Mark Heckler, 2017
Recent Developments in the Theory of Lorentz Spaces and Weighted Inequalities
Maria J. Carro, Jose A. Raposo, Javier Soria, 2007
Topological Invariants of the Complement to Arrangements of Rational Plane Curves
Jose Ignacio Cogolludo-Agustin, 2002
Feynman Amplitudes, Periods and Motives
Luis Alvarez-consul, Jose Ignacio Burgos-gil, Kurusch Ebrahimi-fard, 2015
Regulators: Regulators III Conference, July 12-22, 2010, Barcelona, Spain
Jose Ignacio Burgos Gil, Rob De Jeu, James D. Lewis, Juan Carlos Naranjo, Wayne Raskind, 2012
Trends in Number Theory: Fifth Spanish Meeting on Number Theory July 8-12, 2013, Universidad De Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain
Fernando Chamizo, Jordi Guardia, Antonio Rojas-leon, Jose Maria Tornero, 2015
Recent Advances in Real Complexity and Computation
Jose Luis Montana, Luis M. Pardo, 2014
Public Religions in the Modern World
José Casanova, 1994
El ’De secretis mulierum’ atribuido a Alberto Magno: estudio, edición crítica y traducción
José Pablo Barragán Nieto, 2012
Ideas of the Restoration in English Literature, 1660–71
Nicholas Jose (auth.), 1984
Física cuántica I
Angola e Brasil nas rotas do Atlântico Sul
Selma Pantoja; José Flávio Sombra Saraiva (orgs.), 1999
Les origines postmycéniennes du groupe dialectal éolien: étude linguistique
García-Ramón, José L., 1975
Teleparallel gravity. An introduction
Aldrovandi, Ruben; Pereira, José Geraldo, 2013
Advances in mathematical chemistry and applications. Vol.1
Subhash C. Basak, Guillermo Restrepo, Jose L. Villaveces(eds.), 2015
Advances in mathematical chemistry and applications. Vol.2
Basak, Subhash C.; Restrepo, Guillermo; Villaveces C., José Luis(eds.), 2015
Ring theory and algebraic geometry : proceedings of the fifth international conference (SAGA V) in León, Spain
Hermida, José Ángel; Granja, Ángel; Verschoren, A(eds.), 2001
Topics in Algebra and Analysis: Preparing for the Mathematical Olympiad
Radmila Bulajich Manfrino, José Antonio Gómez Ortega, Rogelio Valdez Delgado, 2015
Numerical Simulation in Physics and Engineering: Lecture Notes of the XVI 'Jacques-Louis Lions' Spanish-French School
Inmaculada Higueras, Teo Roldán, Juan José Torrens(eds.), 2016
An Introduction to Geometrical Physics: Second Edition
Biochemistry of Oxidative Stress: Physiopathology and Clinical Aspects
Ricardo Jorge Gelpi, Alberto Boveris, Juan José Poderoso(eds.), 2016