نتایج جستجو

Neoclassical and 19th Century Architecture (History of World Architecture)
Robin Middleton, 1980
World War 2 In Review: German Fighting Vehicles (1)
Ray Merriam, 2017
World War 2 In Review: American Fighting Vehicles (2)
Ray Merriam, 2017
Lifestyle Economics: Consumer Behaviour in a Turbulent World
Peter E. Earl, 1986
The Thai Resistance Movement During the Second World War
John B. Haseman, 1988
World War 2 In Review: War In the Pacific (1)
Ray Merriam, 2017
The World of the Favourite
J. H. Elliott (editor), L.W.B. Brockliss (editor), 1999
Thomasine Traditions in Antiquity: The Social and Cultural World of the Gospel of Thomas (Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies): 59
Jon Ma Asgeirsson (editor), April Deconick (editor), Risto Uro (editor), 2005
World Television: From Global to Local
Joseph D. Straubhaar, 2007
London in the Roman World
Dominic Perring, 2021
The Shroud of Turin: The History and Legends of the World's Most Famous Relic
Andrea Nicolotti, 2020
The Hand of Fatima: The Khamsa in the Arab-Islamic World
Eva-Maria von Kemnitz, 2023
Mediterranean Basin (v. 4) (World Architecture 1900-2000: A Critical Mosaic)
Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani (editor), 1999
The Light and the Darkness: Studies in Manichaeism and Its World (Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies): 50
Paul Mirecki (editor), Jason Beduhn (editor), 2001
Geography and the Classical World: Unearthing Historical Geography’s Forgotten Past
A William Koelsch, 2013
Politics in a Religious World: Building a Religiously Literate U.S. Foreign Policy
Eric Patterson, 2011
Project Management in the Digital Transformation Era: The Proceedings of the 32nd World Congress of the International Project Management Association (IPMA)
Sergey Bushuyev, Ronggui Ding, Mladen Radujković, 2023
Perpetual Transformation: Practical Tools, Inspiration and Best Practice to Constantly Transform Your World
PMI Project Management Institute, Thinkers50, 2022
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Movement, Health and Exercise: MoHE 2022―Refocusing on Sports and Exercise for a Post-pandemic World
Mohd Hasnun Arif Hassan, Ahmad Munir Che Muhamed, Nik Shanita Safii, Lian Yee Kok, Raja Mohammed Firhad Raja Azidin, Noor Azuan Abu Osman, Roosfa Hashim, 2023
T&T Clark Handbook to Early Christian Meals in the Greco-Roman World
Soham Al-Suadi; Peter-Ben Smit (editors), 2019
Catholics and Violence in the Nineteenth-Century Global World
Eveline Bouwers (editor), 2023
The Uniqueness of Chinese Civilization in World History
Guy S. Alitto, 2023