نتایج جستجو

Wave Scattering Theory: A Series Approach Based on the Fourier Transformation
Professor Hyo J. Eom (auth.), 2001
Wave Turbulence Under Parametric Excitation: Applications to Magnets
Professor Dr. Victor S. L’vov (auth.), 1994
Wavelets and Signal Processing: An Application-Based Introduction
Professor Dr. Hans-Georg Stark (auth.), 2005
Waves Called Solitons: Concepts and Experiments
Professor Dr. Michel Remoissenet (auth.), 1999
Waves Called Solitons: Concepts and Experiments
Professor Michel Remoissenet (auth.), 1994
Waves Called Solitons: Concepts and Experiments
Professor Michel Remoissenet (auth.), 1996
Wave Physics: Oscillations — Solitons — Chaos
Professor Stephen Nettel (auth.), 2003
Wave Physics: Oscillations — Solitons — Chaos
Professor Stephen Nettel Ph. D. (auth.), 1992
Wave Physics: Oscillations — Solitons — Chaos
Professor Stephen Nettel (auth.), 1995
Water Resources of North America
Professor Asit K. Biswas (auth.), 2003
Wasserwirtschaft: Einführung in die Bewertung wasserwirtschaftlicher Vorhaben
Professor Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Maniak (auth.), 2001
The Hybrid Multiscale Simulation Technology: An Introduction with Application to Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas
Professor Dr. Alexander S. Lipatov (auth.), 2002
The Economics of Symbolic Exchange
Professor Alexander Dolgin (auth.), 2009
Near-field Nano/Atom Optics and Technology
Dr. Eng. Professor Motoichi Ohtsu (auth.), 1998
ICM-90 Satellite Conference Proceedings: Harmonic Analysis
Professor George Alexopoulos (auth.), 1991
Energy Politics and Schumpeter Dynamics: Japan’s Policy Between Short-Term Wealth and Long-Term Global Welfare
Professor Dr. Helmar Krupp (auth.), 1992
Zwangsvollstreckung Konkurs und Vergleich: Fortsetzung (Schluß) aus der 31. Lieferung Seite 85–160
Professor de Boor (auth.), 1951
Professor Dr. de Boor (auth.), 1951
Zentrale Störungen der Temperaturregulation: Eine klinisch-experimentelle Studie
Professor Dr. Gerhard Lausberg (auth.), 1972
Versuche zur Prüfung und Abnahme der 3000 t-Maschine
Geheimer Regierungsrat Professor Dr.-Ing. Max Rudeloff (auth.), 1920
Verdauung und Ausscheidung
Professor Dr. Ernst Mangold (auth.), 1929
Treatment of Cerebral Infarction: Experimental and Clinical Study
Professor Jiro Suzuki M.D. (auth.), 1987
Thrombose: Ihre Grundlagen und ihre Bedeutung
Professor Dr. A. Dietrich (auth.), 1932
Topics in Applied Quantumelectrodynamics
Professor Dr. Paul Urban (auth.), 1970