نتایج جستجو

The Origins of the Marshall Plan
John Gimbel, 1976
Oxford Textbook of Medicine
John Firth (editor), Christopher Conlon (editor), Timothy Cox (editor), 2020
Quantum Physics of Time:: Cosmology, Brain, Mind, and Time Travel
Deepak Chopra; Giovanni Berlucchi; Michael C. Corballis; John Smythies; Subhash Kak; Brandon Carter; Lan Tao; R. Gabriel Joseph; Menas C. Kafatos; Chris King, 2015
Peace and War: Historical, Philosophical, and Anthropological Perspectives
W. John Morgan, Alexandre Guilherme, 2020
Thailand's crisis
Pasuk Phongpaichit.; Christopher John Baker, 2000
Thai capital : after the 1997 crisis
Christopher John Baker; Pasuk Phongpaichit., 2008
MCQ’s in Anatomy: A Self-Testing Supplement to Essential Anatomy
John S. P. Lumley, Paul Craven, 1996
Sovjetunionen slår til
Shaw, John, 1981
Mathematics and Its History: A Concise Edition
John Stillwell, 2020
A history of Thailand
Christopher John Baker; Pasuk Phongpaichit, 2014
Historical Pattern Archive: Women’s Clothing 1837-1969
Thomas John Bernard, Marcy Linton, 2020
Romantic Movement and Study of History - John Coffin Memorial Lecture
Hugh Trevor-Roper
Exercises and Problems in Linear Algebra
John M. Erdman, 2020
Theory of Algebraic Integers
Richard Dedekind; (Trans. and intro.) John Stillwell, 2004
Entropy and Bioeconomics: Proceedings, first International Conference of the E.A.B.S., Rome 28-30 November 1991 (partial papers uploaded only)
Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, Joseph Constantine Dragan, Mario Giampietro, John M. Gowdy, Kozo Mayumi, 1993
History: A Very Short Introduction
John H. Arnold, 2000
Taking Chances: Winning with Probability
John Haigh, 2003
The Poetry of Impermanence, Mindfulness, and Joy
John Brehm (editor), 2017
Obaysch: A Hippopotamus in Victorian London
John Simons, 2019