نتایج جستجو

The Routledge Handbook on the International Dimension of Brexit
Juan Santos Vara, Ramses A. Wessel, Polly R. Polak, 2020
Perspectives on International Relations: Power, Institutions, and Ideas
Henry R. Nau, 2020
Africa's International Relations: Balancing Domestic and Global Interests
Beth Elise Whitaker, John F. Clark, 2018
Affirmative Action and the Law: Efficacy of National and International Approaches
Erica Howard; Elvira Dominguez Redondo; Narciso Leandro Xavier Baez, 2021
Valerio Olgiati: 2G International Architecture Review, 37
REVISTA 2G, 2010
International Law's Objects
Jessie Hohmann and Daniel Joyce, 2018
Proportionality in International Humanitarian Law: Consequences, Precautions, and Procedures
Amichai Cohen and David Zlotogorski, 2021
The Rule of Law at the National and International Levels: Contestations and Deference
Machiko Kanetake and André Nollkaemper, 2016
Phenomenology of Bioethics: Technoethics and Lived-Experience (The International Library of Bioethics, 84)
Susi Ferrarello (editor), 2021
Namibia in Struggle: A Pictorial History
International Defense & Aid Fund for Southern Africa; United Nations Council for Namibia, 1987
International Law and Global Governance: Treaty Regimes and Sustainable Development Goals Implementation
Alexandra R. Harrington, 2021
Unemployment insurance: Global evidence of its effects on unemployment : proceedings of an international conference held in Vancouver, British Columbia
Michael A. Walker Herbert G. Grubel, 1978
The Routledge International Handbook of Fat Studies
Cat Pausé and Sonya Renee Taylor, 2021
The Frontiers of Public Diplomacy: Hegemony, Morality and Power in the International Sphere
Colin R. Alexander, 2021
BUILDING PHYSICS from physical principles to international standards.
Impact in International Affairs: The Quest for World-Leading Research
James Gow and Henry Redwood, 2021
Digital Diplomacy and International Organisations: Autonomy, Legitimacy and Contestation
Corneliu Bjola and Ruben Zaiotti, 2021
The theory of international relations: Selected texts from Gentili to Treitschke
Murray Greensmith Forsyth; P. Savigear; H. M. A. Keens-Soper, 1970
International relations theory: realism, pluralism, globalism and beyond
Mark V. Kauppi; Paul R. Viotti, 2007
The Legality of Economic Activities in Occupied Territories: International, EU Law and Business and Human Rights Perspectives
Antoine Duval and Eva Kassoti, 2020
International Investment Law and Gender Equality: Stabilization Clauses and Foreign Investment
Sangwani Patrick Ng’ambi and Kangwa-Musole George Chisanga, 2020
Promoting and Managing International Investment: Towards an Integrated Policy Approach
J Anthony VanDuzer and Patrick Leblond, 2020