نتایج جستجو

Page and Stage: Intersections of Text and Performance in Ancient Greek Drama
S. Douglas Olson (editor); Oliver Taplin (editor); Piero Totaro (editor), 2023
Colonizing Christianity: Greek and Latin Religious Identity in the Era of the Fourth Crusade
George E. Demacopoulos, 2019
Greek imperialism
William Scott Ferguson, 1963
Greek Aims in Fortification
A. W. Lawrence, 1979
Aphrodite and Eros The Development of Erotic Mythology in Early Greek Poetry and Cult
New Testament Greek: An Introduction
B. H. McLean, 2011
Greek Heroes in and out of Hades
Stamatia Dova, 2012
New Greek Inscriptions from Attica, Achaia, Lydia (Analecta Gorgiana)
David Robinson, 2009
The Life of Saint Pankratios of Taormina: Greek text, English translation and commentary
Cynthia Stallman-Pacitti, 2018
The Greek Imaginary: From Homer to Heraclitus, Seminars 1982-1983
Cornelius Castoriadis, 2023
Meet the Olympians: A Collection of Limericks on Greek Gods
Toby D, Farnood J, 2022
Becoming Female: The Male Body in Greek Tragedy
Katrina Cawthorn, 2008
Greek Slavery
Deborah Kamen, 2023
Greek Slavery
Deborah Kamen, 2023
Discourse Analysis and Other Topics in Biblical Greek
Stanley E. Porter; D.A. Carson (editors), 1995
The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: The Greek Lamps and Offering Trays
Nancy Bookidis; Elizabeth G. Pemberton; Kathleen Warner Slane, 2015
The Pedagogic Mission : An Engagement with Ancient Greek Philosophical Practices
Elly Pirocacos, 2015
Greek Sanctuaries and Temple Architecture: An Introduction
Mary Emerson, 2018