نتایج جستجو

Interactions Materials - Microorganisms: Concretes and Metals More Resistant to Biodeterioration
Christine Lors; Fran�oise Feugeas; Bernard Tribollet, 2021
Roots of Western Culture: Pagan, Secular, and Christian Options
Herman Dooyeweerd; Mark Vander Vennen; Bernard Zylstra, 1979
Advances in production management systems : artificial intelligence for sustainable and resilient production systems : IFIP WG 5. 7 International Conference, APMS 2021, Nantes, France, September 5-9, 2021, Proceedings. Part II
Alexandre Dolgui, Alain Bernard, David Lemoine, Gregor von Cieminski, David Romero (Eds.), 2021
Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications
Bernard Sklar, Fredric Harris, 2020
Visions of Bernard Francis de Hoyos, S.J.
Henri Bechard, S.J., 1959
The Cambridge Handbook of Language Policy
Bernard Spolsky, 2012
The Refugee Question in Mid-Victorian Politics
Bernard Porter, 1979
Moment-SOS Hierarchy, The: Lectures in Probability, Statistics, Computational Geometry, Control and Nonlinear Pdes (Optimization and Its Applications)
Didier Henrion, Milan Korda, Jean Bernard Lasserre, 2020
The Re-Enchantment of the World: The Value of Spirit Against Industrial Populism
Bernard Stiegler, 2014
The Re-Enchantment of the World: The Value of Spirit Against Industrial Populism
Bernard Stiegler, 2014
The Age of Disruption: Technology and Madness in Computational Capitalism
Bernard Stiegler; Daniel Ross (transl.), 2019
A descoberta da Europa pelo Islã
Bernard Lewis, 2010
Os árabes na História
Bernard Lewis, 1990
Les carrés magiques de 5
Bernard Gervais, 1998
Modernusis menas, 1905-1945
Bernard Edina, 2000
The Government And Politics Of The Middle East And North Africa
David E. Long, Bernard Reich, 1980
Luís XVI
Bernard Vincent
Material Connections in the Ancient Mediterranean: Mobility, Materiality and Identity
Peter van Dommelen, A. Bernard Knapp, 2010
Stogdill's handbook of leadership : a survey of theory and research
Ralph M Stogdill; Bernard M Bass, 1981
Proletarianization and Class Struggle in Africa
Bernard Magubane, Nzongola Ntalaja (editors), 1983
Afrique subsaharienne, un continent d’histoires
Pierre Alexandre, Jean-Pierre Bat, Guillaume Blanc, Jean-Renaud Boisserie, François Bon, Jean-Pierre Chrétien, Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch, Marie-Laure Derat, François-Xavier Fauvelle, Jean Fremigacci, Iwona Gajda, Philippe Haudrère, Bertrand Hirsch, Pierre Kipré, Elikia M’Bokolo, Marc Michel, Bernard Nantet, Pap Ndiaye, Michel Pierre, Yann Potin, Estelle Sohier, 2021
Atlas historique de l'Afrique: Des origines à nos jours
Bernard Lugan, 2018
Njoya le réformateur
Denys Ferrando-Durfort; Bernard Johner; Stéphanie Deschamps, 1989
O Federalismo Norte-Americano Atual
BErnard Schwartz, 1984