نتایج جستجو

Ecology of Protozoa: The Biology of Free-living Phagotrophic Protists
Prof. Tom Fenchel (auth.), 1987
Fehlzeiten-Report 2003: Wettbewerbsfaktor Work-Life-Balance Zahlen, Daten, Analysen aus allen Branchen der Wirtschaft
B. Badura, C. Vetter (auth.), Prof. Dr. Bernhard Badura, Dr. Henner Schellschmidt, Christian Vetter (eds.), 2004
Design Methodologies for Secure Embedded Systems: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sorin A. Huss
Christoph Grimm, Markus Damm, Jan Haase (auth.), Alexander Biedermann, H. Gregor Molter (eds.), 2011
Design Methodologies for Secure Embedded Systems: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sorin A. Huss
Christoph Grimm, Markus Damm, Jan Haase (auth.), Alexander Biedermann, H. Gregor Molter (eds.), 2011
Design Methodologies for Secure Embedded Systems: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sorin A. Huss
Christoph Grimm, Markus Damm, Jan Haase (auth.), Alexander Biedermann, H. Gregor Molter (eds.), 2011
Design Methodologies for Secure Embedded Systems: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sorin A. Huss
Christoph Grimm, Markus Damm, Jan Haase (auth.), Alexander Biedermann, H. Gregor Molter (eds.), 2011
Neurosurgical Re-Engineering of the Damaged Brain and Spinal Cord
Yukihiko Kayama, Y. Koyama (auth.), Prof. Y. Katayama (eds.), 2003
Re-Engineering of the Damaged Brain and Spinal Cord: Evidence-Based Neurorehabilitation
V. Hömberg (auth.), Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus R. H. von Wild (eds.), 2005
Angewandte Statistik mit SPSS: Praktische Einfuhrung fur Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
Prof. Dr. Peter P. Eckstein (auth.), 2000
A Course in H∞ Control Theory
Prof. Bruce A. Francis (eds.), 1987
Städtische Armutsquartiere - Kriminelle Lebenswelten?: Studien zu sozialräumlichen Kontexteffekten auf Jugendkriminalität und Kriminalitätswahrnehmungen
Prof. em. Dr. Jürgen Friedrichs (auth.), Dietrich Oberwittler, Susann Rabold, Dirk Baier (eds.), 2013
42 V-PowerNets
Peter Gresch (auth.), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hennig Wallentowitz, Dipl.-Ing. Christian Amsel (eds.), 2003
Uranium in the Environment: Mining Impact and Consequences
Hartmut Biele, Stephanie Hurst (auth.), Prof. Dr. Broder J. Merkel, Dipl. -Geol. Andrea Hasche-Berger (eds.), 2006
Corporate Ethics and Corporate Governance
Walther Ch Zimmerli, Klaus Richter, Markus Holzinger (auth.), Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Walther Ch Zimmerli, Dr. Markus Holzinger, Klaus Richter (eds.), 2007
Malzeme Bilgisi
Prof. Dr. Ahmet ARAN, 2008
A Fifteen-somite Human Embryo
Prof. Humio Mizoguti MD, PhD (auth.), 1989
A World of Insecurity: Anthropological Perspectives of Human Security
Prof. Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Ellen Bal, Oscar Salemink, 2010
Electronic Commerce: Herausforderungen — Anwendungen — Perspektiven
Friedhelm Bliemel, Georg Fassott, Axel Theobald (auth.), Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Bliemel, Dr. Georg Fassott, Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Axel Theobald (eds.), 1999
16-Bit-Microprocessor Systems: Structure, Behavior, and Programming
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Flik, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Liebig (auth.), 1985
A Question of Balance: Weighing the Options on Global Warming Policies
Prof. William D. Nordhaus, 2008
Asset Pricing
Jianping Mei, Prof. Hsien-Hsing Liao, Jianping Mei, Hsien-Hsing Liao, 2003
Electronic Commerce: Herausforderungen — Anwendungen — Perspektiven
Friedhelm Bliemel, Georg Fassott, Axel Theobald (auth.), Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Bliemel, Dr. Georg Fassott, Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Axel Theobald (eds.), 1999
Electronic Commerce: Herausforderungen — Anwendungen — Perspektiven
Friedhelm Bliemel, Georg Fassott, Axel Theobald (auth.), Prof.Dr. Friedhelm Bliemel, Dr. Georg Fassott, Dr. Axel Theobald (eds.), 2000