نتایج جستجو

Mathematics as a Laboratory Tool: Dynamics, Delays and Noise
John Milton, 2014
What Is Mathematics, Really?
Reuben Hersh, 1997
What is Mathematics, Really?
Reuben Hersh, 1997
What Is Mathematics? An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods
Richard Courant, 1996
What is mathematics?: an elementary approach to ideas and methods
Richard Courant, 1996
Geometry: A Metric Approach with Models (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
Richard S. Millman, 1981
Geometry: A Metric Approach with Models (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
Richard S. Millman, 1990
Geometry: A Metric Approach with Models (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
Richard S. Millman, 1990
Visual thinking in mathematics: an epistemological study
Marcus Giaquinto, 2007
Visual Thinking in Mathematics: An Epistemological Study
Marcus Giaquinto, 2007
Understanding Pure Mathematics
A. J. Sadler, 1987
Truth in mathematics
H. G. Dales, 1998
Truth in mathematics
H. G. Dales, 1998
Truth in Mathematics
H. Dales, 1998
Truth Through Proof: A Formalist Foundation for Mathematics
Alan Weir, 2010
PISA Learning Mathematics for Life: A Perspective from PISA
OECD Publishing, 2010
PISA Mathematics Teaching and Learning Strategies in PISA
Oecd Organisation for Economic Co-operation, 2010
The Process of Learning Mathematics
L. R. Chapman (Eds.), 1972
The Method of Mathematical Induction (Popular Lectures in Mathematics)
I. S. Sominskii, 1961
The IEA Study of Mathematics III. Student Growth and Classroom Processes
Leigh Burstein, 1993
The unimaginable mathematics of Borges' Library of Babel
Bloch, William Goldbloom, 2008