نتایج جستجو

Analytical Geometry (Series on University Mathematics)
Izu Vaisman, 1997
Introduction to Many Body Physics. Lecture Notes, University of Geneva, 2008-2013
Thierry Giamarchi, 2013
Owain Glyndwr (University of Wales - Pocket Guide)
Glanmor Williams, 2005
A manifesto for the public university
Holmwood, 2011
Lectures on Lie Groups (University Mathematics , Vol 2)
Wu Yi Hsiang, 1998
International Symposium on Nuclear Structure Physics: Celebrating the Career of Peter Von Brentano : University of Gottingen, Germany 5-8 March 2001
International Symposium on Nuclear Structure Physics, 2001
Paths to a World-Class University
Nian Cai Liu, 2010
Common border, uncommon paths: race, culture, and national identity in U.S.-Mexican relations
Jaime E. Rodríguez O., Kathryn Vincent, University of California Institute for Mexico, 1997
Medusa's ear: university foundings from Kant to Chora L
Dawne McCance, 2004
Turning Points in Physics. A Series of Lectures Given at Oxford University in Trinity Term 1958
R.J. Blin-Stoyle, D. ter Haar, K. Mendelssohn, J. De Boer, H. Brinkman, 1959
Beyond outcomes: assessment and instruction within a university writing program
Richard H. Haswell, 2001
Mental Health Issues and the University Student
Doris Iarovici, 2014