نتایج جستجو

Molecular Cytogenetics: Protocols and Applications
Yao-Shan Fan (auth.), Yao-Shan Fan (eds.), 2003
Mobile Genetic Elements: Protocols and Genomic Applications
Wolfgang J. Miller, Pierre Capy (auth.), Wolfgang J. Miller, Pierre Capy (eds.), 2004
Globalization and Development: Themes and Concepts in Current Research
Don Kalb, Wil Pansters, Hans Siebers (auth.), Don Kalb, Wil Pansters, Hans Siebers (eds.), 2004
Tunable Lasers
Dr. Linn F. Mollenauer, Dr. Jonathan C. White (auth.), Dr. Linn F. Mollenauer, Dr. Jonathan C. White, Professor Clifford R. Pollock Ph.D. (eds.), 1992
The Printing Ink Manual
Dr R. H. Leach, Mr R. J. Pierce (auth.), Dr R. H. Leach, Mr R. J. Pierce, E. P. Hickman, M. J. Mackenzie, H. G. Smith (eds.), 1993
Handbuch Humanitäre Hilfe
Jürgen Lieser, Dennis Dijkzeul (auth.), Jürgen Lieser, Dennis Dijkzeul (eds.), 2013
State-Space Models: Applications in Economics and Finance
Tze Leung Lai, Vibhav Bukkapatanam (auth.), Yong Zeng, Shu Wu (eds.), 2013
Handbuch standardisierte Erhebungsverfahren in der Kommunikationswissenschaft
Daniela Schlütz, Wiebke Möhring (auth.), Wiebke Möhring, Daniela Schlütz (eds.), 2013
Politische Kommunikation in der repräsentativen Demokratie der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Festschrift für Ulrich Sarcinelli
Edwin Czerwick (auth.), Edwin Czerwick (eds.), 2013
Genital Cutting: Protecting Children from Medical, Cultural, and Religious Infringements
J. Steven Svoboda (auth.), George C. Denniston, Frederick M. Hodges, Marilyn Fayre Milos (eds.), 2013
Stress Proof the Heart: Behavioral Interventions for Cardiac Patients
Ellen A. Dornelas Ph.D. (auth.), Ellen A. Dornelas (eds.), 2012
Small Animal Imaging: Basics and Practical Guide
Pat Zanzonico (auth.), Prof. Dr. Fabian Kiessling, Prof. Dr. Bernd J. Pichler (eds.), 2011
Combinatorics on Words: 9th International Conference, WORDS 2013, Turku, Finland, September 16-20. Proceedings
Julien Cassaigne (auth.), Juhani Karhumäki, Arto Lepistö, Luca Zamboni (eds.), 2013
Verrechnungspreise: Grundlagen und Praxis
Klaus Dorner (auth.), Roman Dawid, Klaus Dorner (eds.), 2013
Cartilage Restoration: Practical Clinical Applications
Jack Farr M.D., Andreas H. Gomoll M.D. (auth.), Jack Farr, Andreas H. Gomoll (eds.), 2014
Sodium Calcium Exchange: A Growing Spectrum of Pathophysiological Implications: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Sodium Calcium Exchange
Mordecai P. Blaustein (auth.), Lucio Annunziato (eds.), 2013
Defense Industries: Science and Technology Related to Security: Impact of Conventional Munitions on Environment and Population
Dr. Hiltmar Schubert (auth.), Pelagio Castelo Branco, Dr. Hiltmar Schubert, Professor Jose Campos (eds.), 2004
Microwave Techniques and Protocols
Richard S. Demaree Jr., Richard T. Giberson (auth.), Richard T. Giberson MS, Richard S. Demaree Jr. PhD (eds.), 2001
Het gastro-enterologie formularium
Prof. dr. M.E. Numans (auth.), E.M.H. Mathus-Vliegen, M.E. Numans (eds.), 2013
Oncologie: Handboek voor verpleegkundigen en andere hulpverleners
M.J. van de Vijver, D.J.M. van den Boogaard, M.E.W.J. Peters (auth.), J.A. van Spil, H.A.M. van Muilekom, B.F.H. van de Walle-van de Geijn (eds.), 2013
Thermal Conductivity: Theory, Properties, and Applications
Jihui Yang (auth.), Terry M. Tritt (eds.), 2004
Wolfgang Dworak (auth.), Prof. Dr. H. Jacob (eds.), 1973
Handbuch der Werbung: Mit programmierten Fragen und praktischen Beispielen von Werbefeldzügen
Dipl.-Psych. Uwe Johannsen (auth.), Prof. Dr. Chr. Behrens (eds.), 1970
Bilanzpolitik und Bilanztaktik
Wirtschaftsprüfer Dipl.-Kfm. Dr. Erwin Pougin (auth.), Prof. Dr. H. Jacob (eds.), 1969