نتایج جستجو

Gestión de proyectos editoriales. Cómo encargar y contratar libros
Gill Davies, 2005
Gestión de proyectos editoriales. Cómo encargar y contratar libros
Gill Davies, 2005
Studien zur Verlagsgeschichte und zur Verlegertypologie der Goethe-Zeit
Stephan Füssel, 1999
Scrum - A Pocket Guide (Best Practice (Van Haren Publishing))
Gunther Verheyen, 2013
Religious Publishing and Print Culture in Modern China: 1800-2012
Philip Clart, Gregory Adam Scott, 2015
一个“出版官”的自述: 出版是我一生的事业
宋木文, 2015
So Many Books: Reading and Publishing in an Age of Abundance
Gabriel Zaid, 2011
History of printing and publishing in India-a story of cultural re-awakening_Volume 1
Bellary Shamanna Kesavan, 1985
History of printing and publishing in India-a story of cultural re-awakening_Volume 2
Bellary Shamanna Kesavan, 1988
Inside Book Publishing
Giles Clark, Angus Phillips, 2019
Writing for Publication: Liminal Reflections for Academics
Georgina Tuari Stewart; Nesta Devine; Leon Benade, 2021
蘇精, 2000
The Routledge Companion to Literature and Publishing
Alison Baverstock; Richard Bradford; Madalena Gonzalez, 2019
Mercado editorial brasileiro
Sandra Reimão, 2018
فن النشر وصناعة الكتاب
محمد عدنان سالم, 2018
Les sous-main de Marx : introduction a la critique de la publication politique
Patrice Loraux, 1986