نتایج جستجو

The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research
Norman K. Denzin, 2005
SAGE Handbook of Quantitative Methods in Psychology
Roger E Millsap, 2009
The Sage handbook of quantitative methods in psychology
Roger Ellis Millsap, 2009
The SAGE Handbook of Power
Stewart R Clegg, 2009
Representing women: law, literature, and feminism
Susan Sage Heinzelman
Inequality Reexamined (Russell Sage Foundation Books)
Amartya Sen, 1992
The SAGE Handbook of Intellectual Property
Matthew David (ed.), 2014
La force des introvertis : De l'avantage d'être sage dans un monde survolté
Laurie Hawkes, 2013
The SAGE Handbook of Spatial Analysis
A Stewart Fotheringham, 2009
Sage university papers: Quantitative applications in the social sciences
Kwangsun Yoon, 1995
The SAGE Handbook of Writing Development
Roger Beard, Debra Myhill, Martin Nystrand, Jeni Riley (eds.), 2009
The SAGE Handbook of Globalization
Mandred B. Steger,Paul Battersby,Joseph M. Siracusa (eds.), 2014
The SAGE Handbook of European Foreign Policy: Two Volume Set
Knud Erik Jrgensen, Åsne Kalland Aarstad, Edith Drieskens, Katie Laatikainen, Ben Tonra (eds.), 2015
Sage for Undergraduates
Gregory V. Bard, 2014
The SAGE Handbook of Geomorphology
Kenneth J. Gregory, Andrew S Goudie, 2011
U.S. History I United States History 1607-1865
Sage H.J., 2010
Sage Beginner's Guide
Finch C., 2011
An Introduction to SAGE Programming
Razvan A. Mezei, 2015
Sage 50 Accounts For Dummies
Jane E. Kelly, 2015
The SAGE Handbook of Geomorphology
Kenneth J. Gregory, Andrew S Goudie(eds.), 2011
Paradoxes in Education: Learning in a Plural Society
Rosemary Sage (auth.), 2017