نتایج جستجو

The Spy Who Changed the World: Klaus Fuchs, Physicist and Soviet Double Agent
Mike Rossiter, 2017
The Crossing Of Antarctica
Sir Vivian Fuchs, Sir Edmund Hillary, 1958
Ecology of the Brain: The Phenomenology and Biology of the Embodied Mind
Thomas Fuchs, 2018
The Aboriginal Tribes of India
Stephen Fuchs, 1977
Breaking the sequence : women's experimental fiction
Miriam Fuchs, Ellen G. Friedman, 1989
Atomic Spy: The Dark Lives of Klaus Fuchs
Nancy Thorndike Greenspan, 2020
Wachs - Bild - Körper : Moulagen in der Medizin ; Begleitband zur Ausstellung im Städtischen Museum Göttingen vom 16.09. bis 16.12.2007
Böhme, Ernst; Fuchs, Thomas; Ude-Koeller, Susanne, 2007
Rereading Marx In The Age Of Digital Capitalism
Christian Fuchs, 2019
Communication and Capitalism: A Critical Theory
Christian Fuchs, 2020
Communication and Capitalism: A Critical Theory
Christian Fuchs, 2020
Communication and Capitalism: A Critical Theory
Christian Fuchs, 2020
[瑞典]福克斯(Christian Fuchs)(主编); [加]莫斯可(Vincent Mosco)(主编); “传播驿站”工作坊(译校), 2016
[瑞典]福克斯(Christian Fuchs)(主编); [加]莫斯可(Vincent Mosco)(主编); “传播驿站”工作坊(译校), 2016
[瑞典]克里斯蒂安‧福克斯(Christian Fuchs)(主编); [加]文森特‧莫斯可(Vincent Mosco)(主编); “传播驿站”工作坊(译), 2017
CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ Study Guide
Quentin Docter; Cory Fuchs, 2019
Energy Manual: Sustainable Architecture
Matthias Fuchs; Manfred Hegger; Thomas Stark; Martin Zeumer, 2008
Liderazgo real: de los fundamentos a la práctica
Rodrigo Hernán Jordan Fuchs; Marcelino Enrique Garay Madariaga, 2009
The Poetics of Piracy: Emulating Spain in English Literature
Barbara Fuchs, 2013
Paul von Fuchs, ein brandenburgisch-preußischer Staatsmann vor zweihundert Jahren : Biographischer Essay
Friedrich von Salpius, 1877
Marx and the Political Economy of the Media
Christian Fuchs, Vincent Mosco (eds.), 2015
Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism
Christian Fuchs, Vincent Mosco (eds.), 2015
Storytelling in the Spectators / Storytelling dans les spectateurs
Elisabeth Hobisch (editor), Alexandra Fuchs (editor), Klaus-Dieter Ertler (editor), Yvonne Voelkl (editor), Hans Fernandez (editor), 2020
Consumption Corridors: Living A Good Life Within Sustainable Limits
Doris Fuchs, Marlyne Sahakian, Tobias Gumbert, Antonietta Di Giulio, Michael Maniates, Sylvia Lorek, Antonia Graf, 2021