نتایج جستجو

Ubiquitous Multimedia Computing (Chapman & Hall CRC Studies in Informatics Series)
Qing Li, Timothy K. Shih, 2009
Conceptual Modeling for Advanced Application Domains: ER 2004 Workshops CoMoGIS, CoMWIM, ECDM, CoMoA, DGOV, and eCOMO, Shanghai, China, November 8-12, 2004. Proceedings
Jihong Guan (auth.), Shan Wang, Katsumi Tanaka, Shuigeng Zhou, Tok-Wang Ling, Jihong Guan, Dong-qing Yang, Fabio Grandi, Eleni E. Mangina, Il-Yeol Song, Heinrich C. Mayr (eds.), 2004
Conceptual Modeling for Advanced Application Domains: ER 2004 Workshops CoMoGIS, CoMWIM, ECDM, CoMoA, DGOV, and eCOMO, Shanghai, China, November 8-12, 2004. Proceedings
Jihong Guan (auth.), Shan Wang, Katsumi Tanaka, Shuigeng Zhou, Tok-Wang Ling, Jihong Guan, Dong-qing Yang, Fabio Grandi, Eleni E. Mangina, Il-Yeol Song, Heinrich C. Mayr (eds.), 2004
Conceptual Modeling for Advanced Application Domains: ER 2004 Workshops CoMoGIS, CoMWIM, ECDM, CoMoA, DGOV, and eCOMO, Shanghai, China, November 8-12, 2004. Proceedings
Jihong Guan (auth.), Shan Wang, Katsumi Tanaka, Shuigeng Zhou, Tok-Wang Ling, Jihong Guan, Dong-qing Yang, Fabio Grandi, Eleni E. Mangina, Il-Yeol Song, Heinrich C. Mayr (eds.), 2004
Advances in Web-Based Learning – ICWL 2005: 4th International Conference, Hong Kong, China, July 31 - August 3, 2005. Proceedings
Hongliang Gu, Yuanchun Shi, Guangyou Xu, Yu Chen (auth.), Rynson W. H. Lau, Qing Li, Ronnie Cheung, Wenyin Liu (eds.), 2005
Advances in Web-Based Learning: First International Conference, ICWL 2002 Hong Kong, China, August 17–19, 2002 Proceedings
Shi-Kuo Chang (auth.), Joseph Fong, Chu Ting Cheung, Hong Va Leong, Qing Li (eds.), 2002
Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies: 11th International Symposium, APPT 2015, Jinan, China, August 20-21, 2015, Proceedings
Yunji Chen, Paolo Ienne, Qing Ji (eds.), 2015
A Pictorial Record of the Qing Dynasty - Business Documents
Tianjin Municipal Archives, 2008
Challenges for Next Generation Network Operations and Service Management: 11th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium, APNOMS 2008, Beijing, China, October 22-24, 2008. Proceedings
Zhi-Ting Lin, Yu-Gui Qu, Qing-Hua Wang, Bao-Hua Zhao (auth.), Yan Ma, Deokjai Choi, Shingo Ata (eds.), 2008
Digital Watermarking: 9th International Workshop, IWDW 2010, Seoul, Korea, October 1-3, 2010, Revised Selected Papers
Yu Qian Zhao, Frank Y. Shih, Yun Q. Shi (auth.), Hyoung-Joong Kim, Yun Qing Shi, Mauro Barni (eds.), 2011
Mapping Chengde: The Qing Landscape Enterprise
Philippe Foret, 2000
Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications. With Aspects of Artificial Intelligence: Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2007, Qingdao, China, August 21-24, 2007. Proceedings
Xue-Quan Xu, Xian-Bin Wen, Yue-Qing Li, Jin-Juan Quan (auth.), De-Shuang Huang, Laurent Heutte, Marco Loog (eds.), 2007
Our Great Qing: The Mongols, Buddhism, And the State in Late Imperial China
Johan Elverskog, 2006
Advanced Research in Applied Artificial Intelligence: 25th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2012, Dalian, China, June 9-12, 2012. Proceedings
Qing He, Ye Duan, Danyang Zhang (auth.), He Jiang, Wei Ding, Moonis Ali, Xindong Wu (eds.), 2012
Advances in Web-Based Learning – ICWL 2010: 9th International Conference, Shanghai, China, December 8-10, 2010. Proceedings
Bakhtiyor Bahritidinov, Jorge Suárez de Lis, Eduardo Sánchez, Manuel Lama (auth.), Xiangfeng Luo, Marc Spaniol, Lizhe Wang, Qing Li, Wolfgang Nejdl, Wu Zhang (eds.), 2010
Advances in Web-Based Learning – ICWL 2010: 9th International Conference, Shanghai, China, December 8-10, 2010. Proceedings
Bakhtiyor Bahritidinov, Jorge Suárez de Lis, Eduardo Sánchez, Manuel Lama (auth.), Xiangfeng Luo, Marc Spaniol, Lizhe Wang, Qing Li, Wolfgang Nejdl, Wu Zhang (eds.), 2010
Advances in Web-Based Learning – ICWL 2010: 9th International Conference, Shanghai, China, December 8-10, 2010. Proceedings
Bakhtiyor Bahritidinov, Jorge Suárez de Lis, Eduardo Sánchez, Manuel Lama (auth.), Xiangfeng Luo, Marc Spaniol, Lizhe Wang, Qing Li, Wolfgang Nejdl, Wu Zhang (eds.), 2010
Intelligent Unmanned Systems: Theory and Applications
Ding Meng, Cao Yun-feng, Wu Qing-xian (auth.), Agus Budiyono, Bambang Riyanto, Endra Joelianto (eds.), 2009
Intelligent Unmanned Systems: Theory and Applications
Ding Meng, Cao Yun-feng, Wu Qing-xian (auth.), Agus Budiyono, Bambang Riyanto, Endra Joelianto (eds.), 2009
Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications. With Aspects of Artificial Intelligence: Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2007, Qingdao, China, August 21-24, 2007. Proceedings
Xue-Quan Xu, Xian-Bin Wen, Yue-Qing Li, Jin-Juan Quan (auth.), De-Shuang Huang, Laurent Heutte, Marco Loog (eds.), 2007
Advances in PID Control
Tan Kok Kiong PhD, Wang Qing-Guo PhD, Hang Chang Chieh PhD, Tore J. Hägglund PhD (auth.), 1999
Information and Communications Security: 4th International Conference, ICICS 2002 Singapore, December 9–12, 2002 Proceedings
Jeff S. L. Cheng, Victor K. Wei (auth.), Robert Deng, Feng Bao, Jianying Zhou, Sihan Qing (eds.), 2002
Advances in Data and Web Management: Joint International Conferences, APWeb/WAIM 2009 Suzhou, China, April 2-4, 2009 Proceedings
M. Tamer Özsu (auth.), Qing Li, Ling Feng, Jian Pei, Sean X. Wang, Xiaofang Zhou, Qiao-Ming Zhu (eds.), 2009
Advances in Data and Web Management: Joint International Conferences, APWeb/WAIM 2009 Suzhou, China, April 2-4, 2009 Proceedings
M. Tamer Özsu (auth.), Qing Li, Ling Feng, Jian Pei, Sean X. Wang, Xiaofang Zhou, Qiao-Ming Zhu (eds.), 2009