نتایج جستجو

L'evoluzione del vivente - Materiali per una nuova teoria del trasformismo
Grassé, Pierre-P., 1979
Biotechnology and Genetics in Fisheries and Aquaculture
Andy Beaumont, Pierre Boudry, Kathryn Hoare, 2010
Lipidomics and Bioactive Lipids. Lipids and Cell Signaling
Pierre Meystre, Murray Sargent, 2007
Acoustic sensing techniques for the shallow water environment: inversiton methods and experiments
Andrea Caiti, N. Ross Chapman, Jean-Pierre Hermand, Sérgio M. Jesus, 2006
La Microbiologie, de ses origines aux maladies emergentes
Jean-Pierre Dedet
Essays on Accounting Theory in Honour of Joel S. Demski
Rick Antle (Editor), Pierre Jinghong Liang (Editor), Froystein Gjesdal (Editor), 2006
Econometric Modeling and Inference (Themes in Modern Econometrics)
Jean-Pierre Florens, Velayoudom Marimoutou, Anne Peguin-Feissolle, 2007
Vers de nouveaux modes de formation professionnelle? role des acteurs et des collaborations
Pierre Doray; Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay
Archeology of Violence
Pierre Clastres, 1994
Carnac : Les premières architectures de pierre
Gérard Bailloud, Christine Boujot, Serge Cassen, Charles-Tanguy Le Roux, 2009
1001 Phrases pour bien parler allemand : Un peu de grammaire, beaucoup d'exemples
Jean-Pierre Demarche, 2005
A Concise Dictionary of Classical Mythology
Pierre Grimal, Stephen Kershaw, Stephen Kershaw, A. R. Maxwell-Hyslop, 1990
A Concise Dictionary of Classical Mythology
Pierre Grimal, Stephen Kershaw, Stephen Kershaw, A. R. Maxwell-Hyslop, 1990
A Concise Dictionary of Classical Mythology
Pierre Grimal, Stephen Kershaw, Stephen Kershaw, A. R. Maxwell-Hyslop, 1990
Dicionário da Mitologia Grega e Romana
Pierre Grimal, 2005
Arabic Literature - An Overview (Culture and Civilisation in the Middle East.)
Pierre Cachia, 2002
Les lois de l'hospitalité
Pierre Klossowski, 1965
A Course in Arithmetic 1996 (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Jean Pierre Serre, 1973
DNA Microarrays and Gene Expression: From Experiments to Data Analysis and Modeling
Pierre Baldi, G. Wesley Hatfield, Wesley G. Hatfield, 2002
Combinatorial species and tree-like structures
François Bergeron, Gilbert Labelle, Pierre Leroux, Margaret Readdy, 1998
Combinatorial Species and Tree-like Structures
François Bergeron, Gilbert Labelle, Pierre Leroux, Margaret Readdy, 1998
Synchronization and linearity: An algebra for discrete event systems
Francois Louis Baccelli, Guy Cohen, Geert Jan Olsder, Jean-Pierre Quadrat, 1993
Jean-Pierre Serre, J. Stilwell, 1980