نتایج جستجو

Southern writers in the modern world
Donald Davidson, 1958
Of Authors and Origins: Essays on Copyright Law
Brad Sherman, Alain Strowel, 1994
Write This Way: Structured lessons and activities for reluctant young writers
Gavin Reid; Jenn Clark; Michelle McIntosh, 2024
Women's Literary Networks and Romanticism: "A Tribe of Authoresses"
Andrew O. Winckles, Angela Rehbein, 2018
La littérature de A à Z : les auteurs, les oeuvres et les procédés littéraires
Claude Eterstein, 2021
Snow Leopard: How Legendary Writers Create a Category of One
Category Pirates; Nicolas Cole; Christopher Lochhead; Eddie Yoon, 2022
Writers at work: from sentence to paragraph
Laurie Blass & Deborah Gordon, 2010
Writers at work: The short composition
Ann O. Strauch, 2005
Writers at work: The paragraph
Jill Singleton, 2005
Bernard Shaw’s and Virginia Woolf’s Interior Authors: Censored and Modern
Lagretta Tallent Lenker, 2024
Bernard Shaw’s and Virginia Woolf’s Interior Authors: Censored and Modern
Lagretta Tallent Lenker, 2024
Stephen King and Philosophy (Great Authors and Philosophy)
Jacob M. Held (editor), 2016
Stephen King and Philosophy (Great Authors and Philosophy)
Jacob M. Held (editor), 2016
The Hysteric's Revenge: French Woman Writers at the Fin de Siècle
Rachel Mesch, 2006
Storia e autori della letteratura greca. Volume 1: Dalle origini a Erodoto
Vittorio Citti, Claudia Casali, Maura Gubellini, Antonella Pennesi, Rita Ferrari, Maria Rosa Fontana, 2015
The Little Black Book of Writers' Wisdom
Steven D. Price, 2013