نتایج جستجو

Industrial Approaches to Media: A Methodological Gateway to Industry Studies
Matthew Freeman (auth.), 2016
Riots: An International Comparison
Matthew Moran, David Waddington (auth.), 2016
Education and Well-Being: An Ontological Inquiry
Matthew D. Dewar (auth.), 2016
The Impact of 9/11 on Psychology and Education: The Day that Changed Everything?
Matthew J. Morgan (eds.), 2009
The Impact of 9/11 on Religion and Philosophy: The Day that Changed Everything?
Matthew J. Morgan (eds.), 2009
The Impact of 9/11 on the Media, Arts, and Entertainment: The Day that Changed Everything?
Matthew J. Morgan (eds.), 2009
Fictions of the City: Class, Culture and Mass Housing in London and Paris
Matthew Taunton (auth.), 2009
London Politics, 1760–1914
Matthew Cragoe, Antony Taylor (eds.), 2005
American Royalty: The Bush and Clinton Families and the Danger to the American Presidency
Matthew T. Corrigan (auth.), 2008
Mythic Thinking in Twentieth-Century Britain: Meaning for Modernity
Matthew Sterenberg (auth.), 2013
Economic Analysis and Efficiency in Policing, Criminal Justice and Crime Reduction: What Works?
Matthew Manning, Shane D. Johnson, Nick Tilley, Gabriel T. W. Wong, Margarita Vorsina (auth.), 2016
Genomics, Circuits, and Pathways in Clinical Neuropsychiatry
Thomas Lehner, Bruce L. Miller, Matthew W. State, 2016
The Politics of Age and Disability in Contemporary Spanish Film: Plus Ultra Pluralism
Matthew J. Marr, 2012
Pictorial History of the Korean War, 1950-1953
Matthew B. Ridgway, 1954
Dartmoor’s Alluring Uplands: Transhumance and Pastoral Management in the Middle Ages
Harold Fox, Matthew Tompkins, Christopher Dyer, 2012
On Levinas
Peter Atterton, Matthew Calarco, 2005
Active Calculus
Matthew Boelkins, 2016
Neuromuscular Disease : Case Studies from Queen Square
Hadi Manji, Chris Turner, Matthew R. B. Evans (eds.), 2017
Mental Modeling Approach: Risk Management Application Case Studies
Matthew D. Wood, Sarah Thorne, Daniel Kovacs, Gordon Butte, Igor Linkov (auth.), 2017
Ageing: Lessons from C. elegans
Anders Olsen, Matthew S. Gill (eds.), 2017
Contextual Intelligence: How Thinking in 3D Can Help Resolve Complexity, Uncertainty and Ambiguity
Matthew Kutz (auth.), 2017
Intergenerational Pathways to a Sustainable Society
Matthew Kaplan, Mariano Sanchez, Jaco Hoffman (auth.), 2017
Longitudinally Polarised Terahertz Radiation for Relativistic Particle Acceleration
Matthew. J Cliffe (auth.), 2017
Does Mathematical Study Develop Logical Thinking?: Testing the Theory of Formal Discipline
Matthew Inglis, Nina Attridge, 2017