نتایج جستجو

Methodology and Applications of Statistics: A Volume in Honor of C.R. Rao on the Occasion of his 100th Birthday (Contributions to Statistics)
Barry C. Arnold (editor), Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan (editor), Carlos A. Coelho (editor), 2022
Knowledge, Number and Reality: Encounters with the Work of Keith Hossack
Nils Kürbis (editor), Bahram Assadian (editor), Jonathan Nassim (editor), 2022
Info Ops: From World War I to the Twitter Era
Ofer Fridman (editor), Vitaly Kabernik (editor), Francesca Granelli (editor), 2022
The Human Rights Breakthrough of the 1970s: The European Community and International Relations
Sara Lorenzini (editor), Umberto Tulli (editor), Ilaria Zamburlini (editor), 2022
Theory in the "Post" Era: A Vocabulary for the 21st-Century Conceptual Commons
Christian Moraru (editor), Andrei Terian (editor), Alexandru Matei (editor), 2021
Research Handbook on Ocean Acidification Law and Policy
David L. VanderZwaag (editor), Nilüfer Oral (editor), Tim Stephens (editor), 2021
Museum Matters: Making and Unmaking Mexico’s National Collections
Miruna Achim (editor), Susan Deans-Smith (editor), Sandra Rozental (editor), 2021
Continental Theory Buffalo: Transatlantic Crossroads of a Critical Insurrection
David R. Castillo (editor), Jean-Jacques Thomas (editor), Ewa Plonowska Ziarek (editor), 2021
Changing Higher Education in India
Saumen Chattopadhyay (editor), N. V. Varghese (editor), Simon Marginson (editor), 2021
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2022: Proceedings of the ENTER 2022 eTourism Conference, January 11-14, 2022
Jason L. Stienmetz (editor), Berta Ferrer-Rosell (editor), David Massimo (editor), 2022
Ethnic and Religious Diversity in Myanmar: Contested Identities
Perry Schmidt-Leukel (editor), Hans-Peter Grosshans (editor), Madlen Krueger (editor), 2021
Ingenuity in the Making: Matter and Technique in Early Modern Europe
Richard J. Oosterhoff (editor), Jose Ramon Marcaida (editor), Alexander Marr (editor), 2021
Capitalism and the Commons: Just Commons in the Era of Multiple Crises
Andreas Exner (editor), Sarah Kumnig (editor), Stephan Hochleithner (editor), 2020
Post filosofie. Riconoscimento, dialettica e fenomenologia a duecent'anni dalla fenomenologia dello spirito di Hegel
Seminario permanente di filosofia dell'Università degli Studi di Bari (editor), Roberto Finelli (editor), Francesco Fistetti (editor), 2007
Agricultural Biotechnology: Latest Research and Trends
Dinesh Kumar Srivastava (editor), Ajay Kumar Thakur (editor), Pankaj Kumar (editor), 2022
Applications of Advanced Optimization Techniques in Industrial Engineering (Information Technology, Management and Operations Research Practices)
Abhinav Goel (editor), Anand Chauhan (editor), A K Malik (editor), 2022
COVID-19 Pandemic: Research and Development Activities from Modeling to Realization (Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials)
Mamata Mohapatra (editor), Balamati Choudhury (editor), Suddhasatwa Basu (editor), 2022
Roma Minority Youth Across Cultural Contexts: Taking a Positive Approach to Research, Policy, and Practice
Radosveta Dimitrova (editor), David Lackland Sam (editor), Laura Ferrer Wreder (editor), 2021
American Independent Cinema: indie, indiewood and beyond
Geoff King (editor), Claire Molloy (editor), Yannis Tzioumakis (editor), 2012
Gender and Development in Africa and Its Diaspora
Akinloyè Òjó (editor), Ibigbolade S. Aderibigbe (editor), Felisters Jepchirchir Kiprono (editor), 2018
Nepal in Transition: From People's War to Fragile Peace
Sebastian von Einsiedel (editor), David M. Malone (editor), Suman Pradhan (editor), 2012
Beyond White Mindfulness: Critical Perspectives on Racism, Well-being and Liberation
Crystal M. Fleming (editor), Veronica Y. Womack (editor), Jeffrey Proulx (editor), 2022
Information and Software Technologies: 27th International Conference, ICIST 2021, Kaunas, Lithuania, October 14–16, 2021, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science)
Audrius Lopata (editor), Daina Gudonienė (editor), Rita Butkienė (editor), 2021
Compassionate Communities: Case Studies from Britain and Europe
Klaus Wegleitner (editor), Katharina Heimerl (editor), Allan Kellehear (editor), 2015