نتایج جستجو

Mlcrocompartmentatlon and Phase Separation in Cytoplasm
Harry Walter, Donald E. Brooks and Paul A. Srere (Eds.), 1999
Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurology
Michael J. Aminoff, François Boller, Dick F. Swaab, Georg Goldenberg and Bruce L. Miller (Eds.), 2008
Monoamine Oxidase and their Inhibitors
Moussa B.H. Youdim and Peter Douce (Eds.), 2011
Imaging and Spectroscopic Analysis of Living Cells: Live Cell Imaging of Cellular Elements and Functions
P.Michael Conn (Eds.), 2012
Transmitting and Circulating the Late Antique and Byzantine Worlds
Mirela Ivanova, Hugh Jeffery (eds.), 2020
Obama and The End of the American Dream: Essays in Political and Economic Philosophy
Michael A. Peters (auth.), Michael A. Peters (eds.), 2012
Service Industries and Regions: Growth, Location and Regional Effects
Juan R. Cuadrado-Roura (auth.), Juan R. Cuadrado-Roura (eds.), 2013
School and Community Interactions: Interface for Political and Civic Education
Prof. Dr. Andreas Brunold, Dr. Bernhard Ohlmeier (auth.), Prof. Dr. Andreas Brunold, Dr. Bernhard Ohlmeier (eds.), 2013
Estrogens, Progestins, and Their Antagonists: Functions and Mechanisms of Action
C. L. Bethea, S. G. Kohama, M. Pecins-Thompson (auth.), Edward J. Pavlik (eds.), 1997
Low-Cost Approaches to Promote Physical and Mental Health: Theory, Research, and Practice
Luciano L’Abate (auth.), Luciano L’Abate (eds.), 2007
Green Mobile Devices and Networks: Energy Optimization and Scavenging Techniques
Hrishikesh Venkataraman, Gabriel-Miro Muntean (Eds.), 2012
Revisiting Discovery and Justification: Historical and philosophical perspectives on the context distinction
Jutta Schickore, Friedrich Steinle (eds.), 2006
Private Military and Security Companies: Chances, Problems, Pitfalls and Prospects
Dr. phil. Carlos Ortiz (auth.), Thomas Jäger, Gerhard Kümmel (eds.), 2007
Internationalism in the Olympic Movement: Idea and Reality between Nations, Cultures, and People
Holger Preuss (auth.), Holger Preuss, Karsten Liese (eds.), 2011
High-Temperature Superconducting Materials Science and Engineering. New Concepts and Technology
Donglu Shi (Eds.), 1995
Psychiatric Disorders in Pregnancy and the Postpartum: Principles and Treatment
Victoria Hendrick (auth.), Victoria Hendrick MD (eds.), 2006
The Nation State and Beyond: Governing Globalization Processes in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Isabella Löhr, Roland Wenzlhuemer (auth.), Isabella Löhr, Roland Wenzlhuemer (eds.), 2013
Imaging and Spectroscopic Analysis of Living Cells: Imaging Live Cells in Health and Disease
P. Michael Conn (Eds.), 2012
Nitrogen in the Environment. Sources, Problems, and Management
J.L. Hatfield and R.F. Follett (Eds.), 2008
Reuse of Materials and Byproducts in Construction: Waste Minimization and Recycling
Alan Richardson (auth.), Alan Richardson (eds.), 2013
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management: Focused on Electrical and Information Technology Volume I
Jiuping Xu (auth.), Jiuping Xu, John A. Fry, Benjamin Lev, Asaf Hajiyev (eds.), 2014
The Handbook of Neuropsychiatric Biomarkers, Endophenotypes and Genes: Molecular Genetic and Genomic Markers
Ramón Cacabelos (auth.), Michael S. Ritsner M.D., Ph.D. (eds.), 2009
Gender Dysphoria and Disorders of Sex Development: Progress in Care and Knowledge
Julie Bakker Ph.D. (auth.), Baudewijntje P.C. Kreukels, Thomas D. Steensma, Annelou L.C. de Vries (eds.), 2014