نتایج جستجو

Viking Sagas: The Truth Behind the Tales of the Ancient North
April Madden, Jon White (eds.), 2018
Race and other misadventures. Essays in Honor of Ashley Montagu in His Ninetieth Year
Larry T. Reynolds, Leonard Lieberman (eds.), 1996
Words and Objections: Essays on the Work of W. V. Quine
Donald Davidson, Jaakko Hintikka (eds.), 1975
Aurelii Augustini Opera
W.M. Green, K.D. Daur (eds.), 1970
The Shapes of Early English Poetry: Style, Form, History
Irina Dumitrescu, Eric Weiskott (eds.), 2019
Shaping the Rings of the Scandinavian Fellowship: Festschrift in Honour of Ērika Sausverde
Ieva Steponavičiūtė, Loreta Vaicekauskienė (eds.), 2019
Contacts and Networks in the Baltic Sea Region: "Austmarr" as a Northern "mare nostrum", ca. 500-1500 AD
Maths Bertell, Frog, Kendra Willson (eds.), 2019
Eve Monique Zucker and Ben Kiernan (eds), 2021
101 definiciones del anarquismo
Grupo de Estudios José Domingo Gómez Rojas (eds.), 2017
Appropriating Kartini: colonial, national and transnational memories of an Indonesian icon
Paul Bijl and Grace V.S. Chin (eds), 2020
Shi'ism in Southeast Asia 'Alid Piety and Sectarian Constructions
Chiara Formichi and R. Michael Feener (eds), 2015
Ancient Death Ways: Proceedings of the Workshop on Archaeology and Mortuary Practices, Uppsala, 16-17 May 2013
Kim von Hackwitz, Rita Peyroteo-Stjerna (eds.), 2015
Literature and Honour
Aasta Marie Bjorvand Bjørkøy, Thorstein Norheim (eds.), 2017
Settlements Pottery of the Pre-Roman Iron Age in Central European "Barbaricum" - New Research Perspectives
Andrzej Michałowski, Milena Teska; Przemysław Niedzielski, Marek Żółkiewski (eds.), 2017
Texts and Identities in the Early Middle Ages
Richard Corradini, Rob Meens, Christina Pössel, Philip Shaw (eds.), 2006
Critical Race Theory. The Key Writings That Formed theMovement
Kimberlé Crenshaw, Neil Gotanda, Gary Peller, Kendall Thomas (eds.), 1995
The Houses of History. A Critical Reader in Twentieth-Century History and Theory
Anna Green, Kathleen Troup (eds.), 1999
The Spanish Pacific, 1521–1815. A Reader of Primary Sources
Christina H. Le, Ricardo Padrón (eds.), 2020
Techniken der Subjektivierung
Andreas Gelhard, Thomas Alkemeyer, Norbert Ricken (eds.), 2013
Geschichte der politischen Ideengeschichte
Gérard Raulet,Marcus Llanque (eds.), 2018
Staatsverständnisse in Italien. Von Dante bis ins 21. Jahrhundert
Norbert Campagna, Stefano Saracino (eds.), 2019
Neugründung auf alten Werten? Konservative Intellektuelle und Politik in der Bundesrepublik
Sebastian Liebold, Frank Schale (eds.), 2017
Populismus – Aufklärung – Demokratie
Ralf Mayer, Alfred Schäfee (eds.), 2019
Eine Werteordnung für die Welt? Universalismus in Geschichte und Gegenwart
Peter Geiss, Dominik Geppert, Julia Reuschenbach (eds.), 2019