نتایج جستجو

Surfactant Adsorption and Surface Solubilization
Ravi Sharma (Eds.), 1995
La América colonial en su historia y literatura
Marcel Bataillon, (aut.); William Mejias López, Charles Amiel (eds.), 1998
Accion e interpretación en sociologia cualitativa norteamericana
Javier Auyero, Rodrigo Hobert (eds.), Charles Tilly, Matthew Mahler, Elisabeth Jean Wood, Tyson Smith, Alexandra Murphy, Sudhir Alladi Venkatesh, Stephen Zafirau, Steven López, Wendy Wolford, Amy Traver (auts.), 2011
Lebensmittelsicherheit und Lebensmittelüberwachung
Hartmut Dunkelberg, Thomas Gebel, Andrea Hartwig(eds.), 2012
¿Es el fin del neoliberalismo en América Latina?
Jaime Ríos, Moisés Rojas (eds.), Alberto Bialakowsky, Paulo Henrique Martins, Jaime Rios Burga, Adrián Sotelo, Nayar López, Moisés Rojas, Olmedo Beluche, Jorge Rojas, Federico Sandoval, José Vicente Tavares, César Barrera, Alberto Rocha, Elizabeth Vargas, Jesús Pérez, Jerjes Loayza, Jazmín Goicochea, Alejandra Rivera, Katerin Alayo, Andrea Torres, José Luque, Kenya Hernández, Marlén Castro, Eduardo Arroyo, Miguel Cayuela, César Germaná; José Ninahuanca, Carlos de la Cruz (auts.), 2019
Aymara aruskipawinaka/ Conversaciones en aimara
Román Pairumani, Alejandra Carrasco, (eds.), 2022
Materials Science and Engineering Serving Society. Proceedings of the Third Okinaga Symposium on Materials Science and Engineering Serving Society, Chiba, Japan, 3–5 September, 1997
S. Sōmiya, R.P.H. Chang, M. Doyama and R. Roy (Eds.)
Food Packaging. Testing Methods and Applications
Sara J. Risch (Eds.), 2000
Northern Humanism in European Context, 1469-1625: From the "Adwert Academy" to Ubbo Emmius
Fokke Akkerman, Arjo J. Vanderjagt, Adrie H. van der Laan (eds.), 1999
Perspectives on the History of Mathematical Logic
Thomas Drucker (eds.), 1991
Lokale anesthesie in de tandheelkunde
L.H.D.J. Booij (auth.), J.A. Baart, H.S. Brand (eds.), 2013
Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 1999. Towards Teraflops, Optimization and Novel Formulations
D. Keyes, J. Periaux, A. Ecer, N. Satofuka and P. Fox (Eds.), 2000
Jugendhilfe – und dann? Zur Gestaltung der Übergänge junger Erwachsener aus stationären Erziehungshilfen. Ein Arbeitsbuch
Britta Sievers, Severine Thomas, Maren Zeller (eds.), 2018
Membrane Formation and Modification
I. Pinnau and B. D. Freeman (Eds.), 2000
Supramolecular Structure in Confined Geometries
Srinivas Manne and Gregory G. Warr (Eds.), 1999
International Pesticide Product Registration Requirements. The Road to Harmonization
Willa Garner, Patricia Royal, and Francisca Liem (Eds.), 1999
Spectroscopic Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry
Edward I. Solomon and Keith O. Hodgson (Eds.), 1998
Solid-Liquid Interface Theory
J. Woods Halley (Eds.), 2001
Tempel, Lehrhaus, Synagoge. Orte jüdischen Gottesdienstes, Lernens und Lebens. Festschrift für Wolfgang Kraus
Christian Eberhart, Martin Karrer, Siegfried Kreuzer, Martin Meiser (eds.), 2020
Transition Metal Catalysis in Macromolecular Design
Lisa Saunders Boffa and Bruce M. Novak (Eds.), 2000
Nuclear Site Remediation. First Accomplishments of the Environmental Management Science Program
P. Gary Eller and William R. Heineman (Eds.), 2001
Miradas recíprocas entre Perú y Francia: escritores, viajeros y analistas (siglos XVIII- XX)
Mónica Cárdenas, Isabelle Tauzin-Castellanos, (eds.), 2015
Viral Hepatitis, Fourth Edition
Howard C. Thomas, Anna S.F. Lok, Stephen A. Locarnini, Arie J. Zuckerman(eds.), 2013
Fire and Polymers II. Materials and Tests for Hazard Prevention
Gordon L. Nelson (Eds.), 1995