نتایج جستجو

Muslim Piety as Economy: Markets, Meaning and Morality in Southeast Asia
Johan Fischer, Jérémy Jammes, 2019
Roads and Rivals : the Political Uses of Access in the Borderlands of Asia
Mahnaz Ispahani; Mahnaz Ispahani, 2019
The Movement for Global Mental Health: Critical Views from South and Southeast Asia
William Sax and Claudia Lang, 2021
Methods, Moments, and Ethnographic Spaces in Asia
Nayantara S. Appleton and Caroline Bennett, 2021
Creative and Cultural Industries in East Asia: An Introduction
Brian Moeran, 2021
The New International Relations of Sub-Regionalism: Asia and Europe
Hidetoshi Taga, Seiichi Igarashi, 2018
Southeast Asia: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)
James R. Rush, 2018
The Living House: An Anthropology of Architecture in South-East Asia
Roxana Waterson, 1990
State of Authority: State in Society in Indonesia (Cornell University Studies on Southeast Asia Paper)
Gerry Van Klinken (editor), 2016
Historiography of Europeans in Africa and Asia, 1450–1800
Anthony Disney, 1995
Charting Thoughts: Essays on Art in Southeast Asia
Low Sze Wee; Patrick D. Flores, 2017
Nature and the Orient: Environmental History of South and Southeast Asia
Richard H. Grove (editor), Vinita Damodaran (editor), Satpal Sangwan (editor), 1997
The Missionary Mind and American East Asia Policy, 1911-1915
James Reed, 1983
Cinemas of the Other: A Personal Journey with Film-Makers from Central Asia
Gonul Domez–Colin, 2013
Sturdevant's Art & Science of Operative Dentistry: Second South Asia Edition
V. Gopikrishna, 2020
Literary Sinitic and East Asia: A Cultural Sphere of Vernacular Reading
Kin Bunkyō, Ross King (editor), 2021
Central Peripheries: Nationhood in Central Asia
Marlene Laruelle, 2021
In the land of a thousand gods. A history of Asia Minor in the ancient world
Christian Marek, 2016
Seaways and Gatekeepers: Trade and State in the Eastern Archipelagos of Southeast Asia, c.1600–c.1906
Heather Amanda Sutherland, 2021
Science between Europe and Asia : Historical Studies on the Transmission, Adoption and Adaptation
Gunergun, Feza; Raina, Dhruv; G. Nergun, Feza, 2010